Tuesday, June 10, 2008

This really blew me away...

So... basically, I can't stand the weather here anymore.
The wind is up to 50 km/hour. Now, sure, it may not seem that bad, but I am on top of a hill, in an open area, across from a field and my house is on the inside corner of the house. Therefore, the wind is that much worse.

I just can't handle it. I mean, you walk home, and it takes you an extra 8 minutes or so because of the excessive wind resistance there is walking up hill to my apartment. Bad location, thats all I can say. Not to mention I can walk out of the house looking like a million bucks, hair brushed, outfit just right...and then walk into class, flat and tangly hair, clothes everywhere and smelling like that gross wind smell. Yuck.

By the time I got home today, it was only 10am (yes, only one class...allll day)...but I was tired again, hungry again and all I wanted to was sit. So, thats what I did. I have had a headache for 2 days straight, and I cant figure out whats causing it. I get enough sleep, I drink lots of water, I am eating healthy and getting plenty of exercise. Maybe I just need some human contact..like a hug. That would be nice, too bad everyone in here either :
A) doesn't know how, B)is too self absorbed, C) will only hug a person they think they will marry, D) only hugs people who they are getting married to, E)doesn't want to face the terrible Rexburg wind.

While I am venting, another thing that bugs me.... is that I did my visiting teaching this month, and I felt really good about it.. but I didn't get visited! WHAT THE HECK. I mean, I am having a rough time right now, and I just want some girls to come over and be my friend and laugh with me for 10 minutes..thats all I am asking. I just don't get it. Oh well....I guess it's not the end of the world. I will always have my blog..and facebook..........and French class to cheer me up.

Interesting fact I learned today in French: I grew up taking French classes, thinking that "Bonne Fete a Tu" meant Happy birthday to you....but I learned today.. it actually means.. Happy Party to you. Haha.. So for all those having a birthday... Bonne Fete a Tu.. HAPPY PARTYING!


  1. That's funny about the french translation of happy birthday!!
    Kelly,I would totally give you a hug if I were there. But just wait until I see you in July. I may just not let go of you!
    I am sorry about your headache. Darn it!!


    And seriously, I second what your mom said.
    I'm going to give you a huuuuge hug when I see you.
    When will that be?


    (Also, I need an update.
    You know what I'm talking about.)
