Tuesday, June 17, 2008

A New Chapter...

So, this past week has been good. Just plain old good.
I wrote another chapter in my book, so the plot is developing slowly but quite nicely. On Sunday, I taught another mock missionary discussion. It was very successful and I am definitely going to keep the option of serving a mission on the back burner as an option for when I am old and unmarried.

On this note, I think its probably going to end up like that. I mean, its my second semester at BYU-I and not a single date. Okay, thats a lie actually. I have been on 3 dates, with the same guy, but the thing is we are just friends and the dates happened on chance. It just so happened that we ended up alone together at a movie or something. But it is not going anywhere, and I am happy with that.

Its also kind of funny because I have a little crush on two of the roomates of this guy. One you already know.. and another one. This guy is my Preach my Gospel teacher. He recently broke up with his girl friend, but apparently they are back together. SHATTERED. Oh well.. seems to be a trend. So on to bigger and better things? Maybe once I am home. A girl from my english class last semester who is from Calgary invited me to come visit her at home once we are done school here. That should be fun, considering she mentioned a 'perfect guy' for me. So maybe this will be my ticket. I am so mixed up though. I want to wait to get married for a while... but then again, if Mr. Right walks into my life, I cant really tell him to keep walking. I just don't know. Life is so.......full of things. I wish I could just write out my life, and then have it happen that way. Wouldn't that be great. I mean, sure I would probably write in a Lamborghini, and a few billion dollars.. but I would stop after the villa in Spain and the loft in France. Just kidding...sort of. I just finished watching The Prince and Me... I think thats where I am getting all this from.

Okay, in other news...I am starting Isagenix again. I started the 30 day cleanse this morning with my Rich chocolate shake and this nasty 1 oz. shot of some sort of solution that tastes like raisins ans soy sauce. I almost threw up. The next 30 days is going to be interesting. I will keep a journal though. I need to track my progress.......and I should probably buy a scale!!!

Well... thats all for now. I am going to let my hair down, put in my ipod and drink water while I lay out in the 80 degree weather. YUM.


  1. No. Don't buy a scale. Just go to the gym on campus. Good luck with the next 30 days. I know you can do it!!

  2. Funny, you let your hair down and I put mine up to sun.

  3. Kelly!
    You haven't posted for like, FIVE DAYS!
    Are you alive?!
