Saturday, June 28, 2008

Killing time...

So, my date with Matt is tonight. I am pretty excited about it. I waved my hair, and baked biscuits. The baking has nothing to do with it, it just filled up some time this afternoon. So, I am a little nervous and a little excited. I am not really sure why though, I mean, we have hung out a lot.. I think its just because tonight is probably going to be slightly monumental in the sense of I am probably going to end up holding his hand by the end of the night... but then again, maybe not. I am just not really sure about what is to come. I am just going to go with the flow. Although, I have a hard time doing that in a relationship until I have really thought about the situation and the outcomes and then somewhat chosen a course to follow. Example, I am not good at the whole 'kiss on a whim' thing. Like, I want to be ready for it, and I want to want it, and I want to make sure I don't forget what to do. I talked to Becky today, and I told her I think I had forgotten how to kiss. She responded "no, you'll never forget, you'll just get a bit rusty". My first thought was "oh, great, I will squeak when I kiss". Ha. Except not actually.......possibly before, and probably after, but not during. Hahahaha.. wouldn't that be great? Anyways. My favorite song is on and I only have 9 minutes until Matt comes!!!

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