Thursday, May 29, 2008

Oh, the torture...

Current Location: BYU-I David O. McKay Library, first floor computer area (official name?)
Current Status: BORED OUT OF MY MIND

I honestly don't know what to do right now. It's sad that my options are blogging in public or sitting on a bench in a hallway for 44 minutes.

So today is thursday. Pretty exciting I suppose. Tonight is going to be a blast! Its the Spirit Week Relay! YEAHHH. I am going to be a cheerleader...because I dont like running around unless there is a ball in front of me. Our team colors are black and white (my specialty) so i am going to be decked out from head to toe. Also, a certain somebody is going to be there! I am pretty thrilled about this. If you (you know who you are) are reading this right now, then sheild your eyes. This is an "honor code" concept right now

So, this particular person, male, man, guy...whatever you want to classify him as, is wonderful. I dont know him too well, but I am looking forward to slowly and surely changing that. I dont want to rush into anything, but I dont want to waste time not rushing. I mean, going slow is hard sometimes, but I truly believe it is worth it. Taking the most care in getting to know someone brings on a stronger connection than rushing into things and then trying to fit things together. Dont try and put together a puzzle without the picture on the box, it doesnt work.. Same sorta thing. Dont skip steps. Just go in order, go slow, and things will work if they are supposed to, or dont if they are not.

Okay, back on here. It's safe. So. Anyways, this weekend. Should be good. Tomorrow night (friday) there is a birthday party for the girls in my FHE group. I am really excited, but nervous because I dont want to go alone. My roomate is not much of a socialite partier. (wow, the guy that was sitting next to me in the library just got up quickly and...HELLO B.O...that should be against Honor Code). Anyways. So I am nervous. I am hoping that maybe tonight, somebody mentions to me about it and then somehow invites me to go with them or something. Its really hard to be new in a ward, expecially when everyone has been there for a long time. I guess this is practice for when I go back to Lethbridge. (I wonder how many people are looking at my computer screen, noticing that I am blogging.. HEy, you!...mind your own business...haha..). So, anyways, back on track, I just really hope that I get to go and have a good time.

OH. I totally forgot. I have to coolest home teachers ever. Scott and Derek are one in a million. It is so refreshing to have hometeachers that actually want to be there doing it! HOORAY. And they are pretty cute, and nice, and outgoing and well spoken.. and oh.. did I mention Derek served a french speaking mission? Yeah, and that he offered to help me out with my french class? YEAH, I KNOW. Bonjour, home teachers! Well, I guess I better end this novel. It's about time the main character goes to a different building and try to waste more time. Let's just hope this story has a happy ending.

Kelly walks swiftly to the clarke building to the sounds of her incredible music travelling through those white wires that lead to her right jean pocket. She opens the door, and standing at the top of the stares looking down at her is a wonderful guy holding a bouquet of daisy's (or peonies, they are her favorite, but kind of big for a bouquet). She runs up the stairs and is scooped up by loving arms. They walk off into the afternoon sun and converse about getting smoothies at JoLynns.

* Now that's a happy ending.


  1. Was the epiloge you Kelly??? Sounds like it could be. Especially when I read the word "scoop"!

  2. I loved the epilogue.

    Dude, my sister has been harassing me to start a blog.
    Can we be blog buddies?
