Friday, May 23, 2008

Is this really how it's going to be?

So today is Friday. Its around half eight here in Rexburg, Idaho. Officially, one would think that in the spirit of Memorial Day weekend there would be much to do on the night of the kick off to the next three days of heaven. But to no avail. The weather sucks, everyone has left town, and I am stuck in my old apartment with nothing to do but be cold. It wasn't always like this however.

I woke up this morning with a lot of hope. Contrary to by belief, I woke up to a sunny morning. The temperature was nice and warm, so today, I wore a short sleeved shirt. I walked out of my apartment for class at approximatly 12:22pm, thinking about taking my umbrella, but after careful inspection of the sky, realized all the clouds were white and happy looking, so I left it hanging on the door nob. I walked to class, arriving early and sat down. I went through the hour, then walked down the stairs and through the hallway of the same building, going into my next class. I was excited for it to end because it would then be the weekend. As the big hand on the clock passed 12, and the little one hit 3, I was outta there. I grabbed my stuff and booked it (no pun intended)to the great outdoors that was calling me.

As I turned the corner, half smiling and sending my favorite song on my ipod to my ears, I stopped, more suddenly than I ever have before. Staring into the building at me was a cold, dark, rainy, gloomy sad looking day. The sun was gone, and huge, and I mean HUGE, fast, mean raindrops were diving out of the sky. I didnt have a jacket, a hood, and umbrella, or a book I was willing to sacrafice to complete water damage...The girl standing by the door said to me: "The look on your face was priceless, the best one in the last 15 minutes". I guess I accomplished something. I had a mile, uphill, to walk until I would arrive home. I smiled at the girl, turned up my music and started to walk. I was cold, soaked within the first 48 seconds of being outside and to make things better....everyone else on campus seemed to know this was coming, making me the only person around stranded by their own stupidity and trust in Rexburg Weather.

Getting home, my hair was soaked, my clothes were soaked, and to make it better, the second I walked in the door, my roomate was already laughing at me. She had heard my slow, painful steps up the stairs. I undressed, at some supper and went to bed. I slept for 2 hours only to wake up still cold and with no text messages. Cold, alone, stranded, all in Rexburg. Probably the worst combination possible. Good thing for hot showers and nutella. They always make me feel better.

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