Saturday, May 31, 2008

It's been two days.

I cant believe it! It has been two days (almost) since my last blog.. wow.. you must be thinking: What has that girl been doing that she cannot simply blog? Well fellow bloggers and readers, I have been having the absolute time of my life.

Thursday night was a blast. I was anticipating a horrible night because of a slight glitch in my plans, but things worked out for the best. The spirit relay was on. Teams from each ward competed in a 50 lap relay in honor or spirit week, here at BYU-I. I was 1/8th of the cheering section. It was pretty radical, I must say. Black and white were out team colors, so of course it was easy to dress up. Our team kicked trash! After that, back to 708 (i think thats the apartment), where we made food and then ate it. I dont think I have had that much fun in a long time. It was nice to be out doing things again.. not just the usual watching a movie on Friday night etc.

Friday night was the real kicker though. Can you say 80's Dance Party? I sure can, and I did! I went over the guys apartment and we got outfits together. I went back to my place to change and came back and wow... lets just say... Jane Fonda (me), meets Billy Idol (craig), with Tom Cruise form Risky Business (Matt), Super 80's G-sta (Ryan...i think) and Acid Wash (Mike). Seriously. The group pic's were a good way. I had such a good time last night. I have not had so much fun dancing and laughing and going crazy. And can I just say something... Matt does a way better Tom Cruise...and wow..


  1. Did you take any pictures of the "sick" outfits???

  2. Yeah, I want pictures!!

    Aaaand, Matt?
    I need deets, Kelly.
