Tuesday, November 16, 2010

A New Chapter

Hello, World.

I have recently embarked on an adventure of business. As you know, I work with Brides everyday and because of that, have partial taste towards everything wedding. I realized that my creative nature is actually going to produce me some viable results. I am starting a bridal accessories line. Details and websites to follow. But what you do need to know is that I already have my first order. I'll tell you the story... because it's a good one.

Last Saturday I was at work, and had an appointment with a Bride. We went through gowns, ultimately finding her a favorite. We'll call the bride "D". D and I connected right away and so it made the appointment very enjoyable. The gown that she chose was stunning on her, but quite plain. All satin with no beading left a classic feel to the dress, but D was too imaginative and creative to wear something so plain on her wedding day. We tried on a variety of sashes and beaded pieces to add on but nothing stood out too far in her mind.

I happened to have whipped up a cute sash the night before. It was satin ribbon, with ribbon flowers, buttons and gems. It sounds 'scrapbooky', I know, but it was actually very nice I thought. And so did D. It was black, so I wore it with my outfit to work. Turns out, D wanted a black sash for her dress. So, I whipped mine off, put it on her dress and she fell in love. She turned to me, and said, "Kelly, will you make me one for my wedding?". Of course, I said yes. After she had talked with her bridesmaids, they agreed that all 4 of them wanted sashes for their dresses too. Yeah. I know.

So. I am now developing a business strategy, finding places to sell and market the products and working on my first order :)

Stay tuned!


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