Wednesday, January 6, 2010

January 6, 2010.

It's a new year. Finally.
I feel like I have been waiting forever for a new year to start; a new leaf to turn. And, I should recognize the leaves that did turn, but there are also those pesky leaves that stayed exactly where they were. Frustrating!

The leaves that did turn, happend in quite a timely matter. 1st leaf: I got all my ducks in a row and have started my very first online university course. In math. Go figure. My least favorite class and I am more or less attempting to teach myself. 2nd leaf:I bought a computer. It cost me both arms and a leg, and I feel sick to my stomach every time I think about the price of that shiny, white, 13" computer, but atleast I can still hobble around, right? 3rd leaf: I work 5 days a week. Now, that may not seem like a lot to some people, but previous to December of 2009, I never worked a full 5-day week unless I begged to come in when people had the sniffles. That didn't happen much. So, it is nice to be freely given the opportunity to make money, cause heaven knows I need to see more green!

Pesky leaves:
1) I was all alone for new years. Not a phone call, not a text, not a facebook post. Not one of the friends I thought I had made tried to contact me at all. Major disapointment, a bucket full of tears and a couple roles of toilet paper. Literally. It's a sob story, but it it's still pathetic, but atleast I have a blog to vent about it.

2) I am in debt. Again. School attempt #1 is still in the hole... only a few hundred dollars, but still a deep hole. A new computer; remember how I said I felt like throwing up when I thought about it? Yup, a feeling like that wont go away and until I am level with my debt. I have online classes and tuition and text books to pay for. Ugh, forget the spoons, i'm already gagging.

3) Off hand, I can't really think about the rest of those darn leaves in my life.... but I do have a headache...and I have had it for the whole day despite efforts of nutrition, hydration and rest. I give up.

So if you'd like you can laugh, or sympathize or roll you eyes. Either way, I can't see or hear you anyways so it would only be for your own benefit. I think 2010 has a lot instore. Positive and negative. I am not sure which one will take the cake, tip the scales and win... but my money is on the positive. My mom always tells me I am a "glass half empty"-person; I call that being a realist. But this year, I will do, not try, but I will pour my glass a little nicer in hopes that more drops end up in my cup rather than beside it.

So cheers to 2010, I sure hope you know what you're doing... cause I sure don't.

1 comment:

  1. I just love the way you write Kelly. So clever with the "leaves" analogy.
    You'll see Kelly that the drops going in your glass are going to be way better then having them slide down the side and on to the table! Just wait. You'll see!
    I love you. Mom
