Yes, yes. I am jumping for joy.
So much so that I cannot fall asleep. I am going insane. I know what I want now, I have a deadline and now it's go-time. Start the engines and let em' burn. Before I know it, I'll be back in good ol' "sexy-rexy" pursuing my education ambitions.
Honestly, I don't know exactly what I want to do, but I am pretty sure that I have an idea.
So, I've always loved design. Interior design caught my eye growing up, and I often watch HGTV in the hopes of picking up sweet tips from those classy ladies on those shows. But, the honest truth is that I cant see myself devoting all of that effort and time into creating a room or house for someone who could quite possibly see things completely opposite from me. I don't know... maybe it's strange of me to think that... but I feel like a home is a very personal thing. The things you put in it don't all have to match or perfectly coordinate. It should just reflect you. If I was to design somebody's home, I feel like it would be a reflection of what I think their reflection should be. You know?
I have always loved clothing design as well. You probably wouldn't know it by looking at me because I dress 1. for comfort and 2. for what fits well. I have always followed the fashion trends and wished I could wear them, but who am I kidding... I am broke, and I have more important things to spend my meager check on. But, I know what looks good on other people and I know how to fit body styles.
I've always really enjoyed flowers. I am partial to peonies. There is something so soft and pretty about a big-petaled flower.
I like being the boss. I mean, I like being in control of things and making sure that everything runs smoothly. I wouldn't say I am a control freak, but I do like the feeling when people ask me what they should be doing.. it feels gooood. Haha. Usually when I am in charge of something I have a very particular image in my mind... and hopefully, it turns out just as good as the image.
I love to plan. I have a planner. 'Nuff said.
So, as I am sure my close family members know...I am having trouble picking out a major field to study.
I think I finally found it.

The plan is as follows.
Major in Floral Design.
Yeah yeah, I know. I bet you'd never heard of that major before. Neither had I before today. But as I was looking over the courses etc, it felt oddly wonderful. There is a lot to know.. but there isn't much math, so I'm down.
I'll then take 2 clusters..which equals 1 minor. They will be event planning and entrepreneurship.
And there you have it folks.
So one day, I'll be a successful flower shop owner turned wedding planner. That, is perfect for me.
I'm happy.
So, BYU-I... see you April 15th.
I am waiting to watch you soaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrr!!!