Sunday, November 22, 2009

Probably the best Sunday EVER!

So, today I taught my usual Gospel Essentials class at church. As I was setting up in the Relief Society room, I was told that I was being moved to "Room 18" because Gospel Doctrine was getting too big for the other room and so it was being split into 2... and people were coming to Gospel Essentials even though they are strong members of the church and already know the essentials. Not a big deal right? Wrong.... Room 18 holds 15 people. At first I was pretty disappointed. I was hoping to have a nice big class. For some reason, the more people, the less intimidating it is to teach. Turns out, I was just being prideful... thinking that I was such an amazing teacher that I deserved a bigger room for all the people that usually come to my class.Turns out, I loved the smaller class. It was way more intimate, everyone learned new things and the spirit was totally strong.

Another reason why today was so good was because..... drum roll please..... I think I have a plan for the next 8 months of my life. I have decided that I want to go to Russia to teach english to small children for 6 months... starting in January. I have already applied just to see if I can get in! How amazing would that be!?!?!? Traveling, teaching.... what more could I ask for. I am slowing finding my calling in life. Maybe one day it will just appear... but until then, I plan on flying around the world and teaching kids to speak english.


Sunday, November 8, 2009

Just another ordinary day...

Turns out, I have no idea what I want to do with my life. 

And I mean NO IDEA.

I look at some girls who take a 2 year diploma to be a nurse. Yeah, I could do that... but I don't think i'll enjoy it. I could be an interior designer, in fact, I already know I can get into the program because i've been accepted once. But then I backed out. I could go to school for early childhood education or the culinary arts because then i'd be a really good mom... but I want to do more. I just don't want to follow the rules. Bummer, eh?

I'd love to write for a living, unfortunately for me the Lethbridge Herald is all full of casual columnists and has no more vacancies. The college here has a creative writing course but its an evening non-credit class. Chances are i'd be in a room with a bunch of creepy middle aged men who like poetry and young mothers looking for a night away from snot and diapers. Not exactly ideal.

I like to paint, but I'm not that good.
I like to take pictures, but I am not patient enough to learn about lighting and all that stuff.
I like fashion, but I would hate to have to sew it all.
I like talking, but there is no paid profession for that.... unfortunately.

I am a dweeb. And there is nothing I can do about it. Guys don't really want to be my boyfriend, and girls don't seem to want to hang out with me on friday nights. I work when I'm scheduled, have an institute class every wednesday, am in two YSA choirs and I teach Gospel Principles every 3rd Sunday in addition to going to my morning Ward Missionary Correlation meetings. Hello Karma? Are you out there anywhere?

Gah. I think it may be hopeless.
On the bright side, I don't have to worry about turning people down on friday nights if they are going bowling, because lets face it... bowling is a very awkward sport. After throwing your 3 balls down the lane, there is that 8 foot walk of shame off the platform back to your uncomfortable plastic swivel chair covered in glow in the dark stars. I don't see the appeal. Besides, those shoes they make you wear are hideous. I also get to sing in my car at the top of my lungs to any song i'd like, as many times in a row as i'd like. I don't have to worry about anyone complaining about the song OR the volume. That is Heaven.

Anyways, it's hard. Life is hard. I am ready for a break through, or a change of scenery. I just wish things didn't cost money.. no wait, I just wish I had a disposable income.

Whoo! I just had to vent. But, alas, the vent is shut and i'll keep all my hot air to myself... then maybe my bedroom wont be so cold.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009


So, this halloween was a little different! I have a boyfriend, so we decided to go as a couple for halloween too. Well, acutally, I had already decided that I was going to be Belle from Beauty and the Beast.. so when Chris and I started dating, he didn't have much of a choice. It was either Beast, of the transformed Prince. Of course, he chose the Beast. So after a little shopping and a little sewing, our costumes were complete. 
So, pictures 2 and 3 are my, scarfing down some Ichiban before I got ready. My mom thinks I look asian, and I do! That bowl that I am eating out of is the exact bowl that my mom ate out of when she was my age. Weird!! Oh and take a look at that thick pony tail of mine... it's fake. I know, you can barely tell!

There are not a whole lot of pictures from halloween, because as you can tell, there are no pockets in my dress, and I was no about to carry my huge camera around allllll night. Besides, Belle didn't have a camera.

This next picture was taken on Monday, Nov. 2 at Chopstix! It was Seth's birthday and this is where he wanted to eat! So Seth, my mom and I went out to eat. Caleb had to work, Sean is in Tofino and Dad was on a business trip! My mom went on quite the photography tirade and decided that Seth and I were her models. This is the best one, and as you can see, Seth and I really took the theme of the night to heart. 
