Okay, so I am back on. I know I didn't know if I would be.. but I am.
Okay, so basically, in short, this past weekend was the best time of my life.
Here are some pictures to prove it.

So in this picture, which is sadly as big as it will go, is of the 80's dance party. Craig dressed up as Billy Idol, and all us gals were on our hands and knees going crazy for him. Haha. I am in the far left in the pink. Woot!

This one here is of all the guys and me. I was over there, and we were all getting ready for the big night. From left to right...
Slick (chad), Billy Idol (craig), Acid Wash (mike), Tom Cruise from Risky Business(matt), 80's Beach Bum (seth), Gangsta (ryan), and in front, Jane Fonda (me).. haha...it was a crazy night all right.
Looks like fun! Wish the pictures were bigger!!