It's getting to that time again. I am a the point where I am ready to go home and see my family. I haven't seen any of them for 7 months now, and you know what? I am kinda done. It probably does not help that I am hungry, in the middl of 'that time of the month' and all around confued about a lot of things. I just cant handle anything else right now. I feel really confused about what I want, and how I want to get there, and what to do once I am there. I know I am thinking ahead pretty far, but it just kind of hit me the last few days.
That guy that I was interested in, Matt # 2, well, things are falling through, and I dont know why. It was like, one night I was trying to psyc myself up for th possibility of a kiss or any sign of affection from him, but once he kinda let me know that there was something between us, I freaked. I just am not ready. I am so tired of this. Its like, I cant just accept that a perfectly nice person want to take me out and kiss me and hold me. Just thinking about it makes me little edgy. I dont want that right now. All I want is to come home, be in my own bed, on my own firm mattress and have my old closet back. I just want to feel like I am home. I miss my brothers and it sucks. Now I know a bit of what Heavenly Father must feel when he sees one of His children do something that he has no contol over. I hate being so far away.
Man, I hope nobody is looking, cause I feel like I m about to cry. Its not exactly a selling point when you cry in th library at BYU. I dont even have any makeup here, so even if I wanted to just sit in a cubicle and cry, I couldnt. This is probably the worst day of my life. I cant even call a guy that I thought I liked and see if he will just sit with me. And I cant go home and take a hot shower and sleep.. because there is no hot water, and I dont want to be in that apartment anymore. Anyways... I guess I should just stop complaining an just suck it up. There are people that are worse off than me, who dont have the chance to even think about going to University or seeing their families. So, signing off.
Monday, June 30, 2008
Saturday, June 28, 2008
Killing time...
So, my date with Matt is tonight. I am pretty excited about it. I waved my hair, and baked biscuits. The baking has nothing to do with it, it just filled up some time this afternoon. So, I am a little nervous and a little excited. I am not really sure why though, I mean, we have hung out a lot.. I think its just because tonight is probably going to be slightly monumental in the sense of I am probably going to end up holding his hand by the end of the night... but then again, maybe not. I am just not really sure about what is to come. I am just going to go with the flow. Although, I have a hard time doing that in a relationship until I have really thought about the situation and the outcomes and then somewhat chosen a course to follow. Example, I am not good at the whole 'kiss on a whim' thing. Like, I want to be ready for it, and I want to want it, and I want to make sure I don't forget what to do. I talked to Becky today, and I told her I think I had forgotten how to kiss. She responded "no, you'll never forget, you'll just get a bit rusty". My first thought was "oh, great, I will squeak when I kiss". Ha. Except not actually.......possibly before, and probably after, but not during. Hahahaha.. wouldn't that be great? Anyways. My favorite song is on and I only have 9 minutes until Matt comes!!!
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Just an Update..
So. last night was amazing! I just have to put that out there! No hand holding, no kissing, just pure enjoyment! I am so excited for this. So, tonight should be another gooder. There is a ward activity that starts in just a little bit. We are playing water balloon volley ball.. I don't really know how it will work, but I guess we will see! Also, I have a date with Matt on Saturday night. We are going to Acoustic Cafe. I am pretty excited about that night. He leaves tomorrow afternoon for a camping trip, and wont be back until Saturday afternoon. I have figured something out... I just love being around Matt... even if we don't do anything.. just being around him is good. I don't know how to explain it. Anyways.. I should probably get going. I think the ward activity is starting and I need to get outside!!!!!!!!
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
I just beat a game of solitaire in 94 seconds...
Yeah, it's all true. I really did just beat a game of Solitaire in 94 seconds. I know, its probably a world record.. At least it is for me! My last game was 110 seconds.. So, I am pretty proud of myself.
Lets see what has happened lately. Basically everything you would expect to a freshman in college has happened to me so far. And although today was just another Wednesday, it is turning out to be a really good one.
This morning, I bombed a French exam. I know, what the heck right? My last test I scored a 96%, and this one, I scored like, a 55%. YEAH. Bummer. I even studied for over 8 hours for this one. There is always next time right? So that news is not really the greatest, at all. BUT, then I went to the gym and sweat all my anger and frustration out. I did the weights, and then the elliptical and then the rowing machine; stretching in between everything. I even saw Matt! :D. I was pretty happy. Especially when I was stretching (I am more flexible than I thought..!), and Matt walked out and just looked at me until I noticed. !!!! So, yeah. Apparently I have awesome work out skills, because he asked me who taught me to exercise because I looked like a pro. Now, that might very well have been a pick up line/sentence of flattery, but you know what? I'll take it. Because I feel mighty good when I work out, and to have someone tell me that I look good while doing it is pretty nice! I guess you could say I showed that elliptical who was boss!
So, the rest of the day was good.. oh, and it got better when, a few hours later, Matt texted me and said how he liked seeing me today at the gym and that he enjoyed watching me stretch. Hehe.... what else can I say. Oh, and he is coming over tonight. I don't know when, and I don't really like not knowing, but, I am dealing. I am trying to get over that, because chances are not everyone in my life is going to give me an exact time and then honor it! So, I am trying to adjust myself a little bit.
Oh, did I mention this earlier? My homework theory? Well, Matt likes to do homework. Meaning, he puts it first. I love that. A guy who can prioritize. I mean, its not like computer programming homework (yeah, he's smart too) is more important than me, but it takes more presidence (I think thats the right word...). Also.. here is a good thing to know when looking for an eternal companion. This is his theory, but I am adopting it as my own as well.
B-Beauty: The person has to be beautiful to you, inside and out.
A-Attitude: You want the person to have a good attitude, or is going to suck.
L-Love of God: You want your sig-other to love God first.
A-Amusing: You want to be entertained by this person.. and be able to have fun with them.
N-Nuturing: It's just something you want... trust me. For your sake, and your future children's.
C-Compassion: A love for others is a love for God. Think about THAT!
E-Easy Going: Who wants to marry a stiffy? Nobody... thats what I thought.
So anyways. That is an adopted theory. Love it. Hate it.
Lets see what has happened lately. Basically everything you would expect to a freshman in college has happened to me so far. And although today was just another Wednesday, it is turning out to be a really good one.
This morning, I bombed a French exam. I know, what the heck right? My last test I scored a 96%, and this one, I scored like, a 55%. YEAH. Bummer. I even studied for over 8 hours for this one. There is always next time right? So that news is not really the greatest, at all. BUT, then I went to the gym and sweat all my anger and frustration out. I did the weights, and then the elliptical and then the rowing machine; stretching in between everything. I even saw Matt! :D. I was pretty happy. Especially when I was stretching (I am more flexible than I thought..!), and Matt walked out and just looked at me until I noticed. !!!! So, yeah. Apparently I have awesome work out skills, because he asked me who taught me to exercise because I looked like a pro. Now, that might very well have been a pick up line/sentence of flattery, but you know what? I'll take it. Because I feel mighty good when I work out, and to have someone tell me that I look good while doing it is pretty nice! I guess you could say I showed that elliptical who was boss!
So, the rest of the day was good.. oh, and it got better when, a few hours later, Matt texted me and said how he liked seeing me today at the gym and that he enjoyed watching me stretch. Hehe.... what else can I say. Oh, and he is coming over tonight. I don't know when, and I don't really like not knowing, but, I am dealing. I am trying to get over that, because chances are not everyone in my life is going to give me an exact time and then honor it! So, I am trying to adjust myself a little bit.
Oh, did I mention this earlier? My homework theory? Well, Matt likes to do homework. Meaning, he puts it first. I love that. A guy who can prioritize. I mean, its not like computer programming homework (yeah, he's smart too) is more important than me, but it takes more presidence (I think thats the right word...). Also.. here is a good thing to know when looking for an eternal companion. This is his theory, but I am adopting it as my own as well.
B-Beauty: The person has to be beautiful to you, inside and out.
A-Attitude: You want the person to have a good attitude, or is going to suck.
L-Love of God: You want your sig-other to love God first.
A-Amusing: You want to be entertained by this person.. and be able to have fun with them.
N-Nuturing: It's just something you want... trust me. For your sake, and your future children's.
C-Compassion: A love for others is a love for God. Think about THAT!
E-Easy Going: Who wants to marry a stiffy? Nobody... thats what I thought.
So anyways. That is an adopted theory. Love it. Hate it.
Monday, June 23, 2008
I spoke too soon...
So, as per usual, I over think things first of all, and second of all... I am just.. I don't know.
Let me just get to the point. So, you know how I went on a date on Saturday? Well, turns out me and Matt really hit it off.. and so we hung out Sunday, and most of today. Then tonight we went to Music Outlet together. I never though I would say this, but Matt #1 missed his chance, so I am all about Matt #2. So, yeah.. I just feel really comfortable around him, like I can really be myself. I just love that feeling. AND, this may sound crazy, but tonight after Music Outlet, I wanted to hang out with him more, but he had homework. I LOVE THAT! He had homework, so he went home. I love a guy who can prioritize. Gosh. So anyways.. currently, there is a pretty good chance that I am going to fall pretty hard for him, because I am definitely stumbling right now. :)
Let me just get to the point. So, you know how I went on a date on Saturday? Well, turns out me and Matt really hit it off.. and so we hung out Sunday, and most of today. Then tonight we went to Music Outlet together. I never though I would say this, but Matt #1 missed his chance, so I am all about Matt #2. So, yeah.. I just feel really comfortable around him, like I can really be myself. I just love that feeling. AND, this may sound crazy, but tonight after Music Outlet, I wanted to hang out with him more, but he had homework. I LOVE THAT! He had homework, so he went home. I love a guy who can prioritize. Gosh. So anyways.. currently, there is a pretty good chance that I am going to fall pretty hard for him, because I am definitely stumbling right now. :)
Sunday, June 22, 2008
I am such a slacker... oh my gosh.
HEY. So its been like, 6 days since my last post. I definitely thought about writing, but then, I realized nothing was happening. BUT, let me tell you, stuff has happened.
I FINALLY WENT ON A DATE. Well, sorta, it kinda happened to be a group of us were supposed to go, and then my room mate got sick and then His room mates were busy.. So.. it was just me and this guy Matt.. No...not the Matt I really like, another guy, who lives above him. Lol, how's that for ironic. But we had fun. I am happy that I am not totally hideous to all the guys in the ward.. just....99% of them. HA.
In other news, I have lost 4.8 pounds in 5 days. Ya.. pretty proud of that. Its also been like, 85 degrees outside, so I am sure I just sweat it all out. The next rainy day and I will soak it all up again and be right back where I started. Haha, just kidding.
So, other than that, life is pretty good. I am doing well, school is kinda getting.. well.. there is a month left. Enough said! I am so excited to come home and drive a car again! AHH I cant wait. Seriously.. it is going to be crazy the last week of school.
Anyways.. well. thats honestly like the only things that have gone on in my life for the past 6 days. I had a Maui Mango smoothie one was pretty good..........
And I expect to give a talk sometime soon, because me and my big mouth said something to the Bishop because I been having pretty strong impressions that I need to talk in Sacrament Meeting, so I mentioned the impressions to my Bishop.. and he just smiled at me. YA. I know that smile.. its the 'expect a phone call this week' smile. Great.. so..yeah.
Well, I think I am going to hit the books, hopefully hard enough to knock me out until 7:35am tomorrow morning. HA. I wish.. right?
I FINALLY WENT ON A DATE. Well, sorta, it kinda happened to be a group of us were supposed to go, and then my room mate got sick and then His room mates were busy.. So.. it was just me and this guy Matt.. No...not the Matt I really like, another guy, who lives above him. Lol, how's that for ironic. But we had fun. I am happy that I am not totally hideous to all the guys in the ward.. just....99% of them. HA.
In other news, I have lost 4.8 pounds in 5 days. Ya.. pretty proud of that. Its also been like, 85 degrees outside, so I am sure I just sweat it all out. The next rainy day and I will soak it all up again and be right back where I started. Haha, just kidding.
So, other than that, life is pretty good. I am doing well, school is kinda getting.. well.. there is a month left. Enough said! I am so excited to come home and drive a car again! AHH I cant wait. Seriously.. it is going to be crazy the last week of school.
Anyways.. well. thats honestly like the only things that have gone on in my life for the past 6 days. I had a Maui Mango smoothie one was pretty good..........
And I expect to give a talk sometime soon, because me and my big mouth said something to the Bishop because I been having pretty strong impressions that I need to talk in Sacrament Meeting, so I mentioned the impressions to my Bishop.. and he just smiled at me. YA. I know that smile.. its the 'expect a phone call this week' smile. Great.. so..yeah.
Well, I think I am going to hit the books, hopefully hard enough to knock me out until 7:35am tomorrow morning. HA. I wish.. right?
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
A New Chapter...
So, this past week has been good. Just plain old good.
I wrote another chapter in my book, so the plot is developing slowly but quite nicely. On Sunday, I taught another mock missionary discussion. It was very successful and I am definitely going to keep the option of serving a mission on the back burner as an option for when I am old and unmarried.
On this note, I think its probably going to end up like that. I mean, its my second semester at BYU-I and not a single date. Okay, thats a lie actually. I have been on 3 dates, with the same guy, but the thing is we are just friends and the dates happened on chance. It just so happened that we ended up alone together at a movie or something. But it is not going anywhere, and I am happy with that.
Its also kind of funny because I have a little crush on two of the roomates of this guy. One you already know.. and another one. This guy is my Preach my Gospel teacher. He recently broke up with his girl friend, but apparently they are back together. SHATTERED. Oh well.. seems to be a trend. So on to bigger and better things? Maybe once I am home. A girl from my english class last semester who is from Calgary invited me to come visit her at home once we are done school here. That should be fun, considering she mentioned a 'perfect guy' for me. So maybe this will be my ticket. I am so mixed up though. I want to wait to get married for a while... but then again, if Mr. Right walks into my life, I cant really tell him to keep walking. I just don't know. Life is so.......full of things. I wish I could just write out my life, and then have it happen that way. Wouldn't that be great. I mean, sure I would probably write in a Lamborghini, and a few billion dollars.. but I would stop after the villa in Spain and the loft in France. Just kidding...sort of. I just finished watching The Prince and Me... I think thats where I am getting all this from.
Okay, in other news...I am starting Isagenix again. I started the 30 day cleanse this morning with my Rich chocolate shake and this nasty 1 oz. shot of some sort of solution that tastes like raisins ans soy sauce. I almost threw up. The next 30 days is going to be interesting. I will keep a journal though. I need to track my progress.......and I should probably buy a scale!!!
Well... thats all for now. I am going to let my hair down, put in my ipod and drink water while I lay out in the 80 degree weather. YUM.
I wrote another chapter in my book, so the plot is developing slowly but quite nicely. On Sunday, I taught another mock missionary discussion. It was very successful and I am definitely going to keep the option of serving a mission on the back burner as an option for when I am old and unmarried.
On this note, I think its probably going to end up like that. I mean, its my second semester at BYU-I and not a single date. Okay, thats a lie actually. I have been on 3 dates, with the same guy, but the thing is we are just friends and the dates happened on chance. It just so happened that we ended up alone together at a movie or something. But it is not going anywhere, and I am happy with that.
Its also kind of funny because I have a little crush on two of the roomates of this guy. One you already know.. and another one. This guy is my Preach my Gospel teacher. He recently broke up with his girl friend, but apparently they are back together. SHATTERED. Oh well.. seems to be a trend. So on to bigger and better things? Maybe once I am home. A girl from my english class last semester who is from Calgary invited me to come visit her at home once we are done school here. That should be fun, considering she mentioned a 'perfect guy' for me. So maybe this will be my ticket. I am so mixed up though. I want to wait to get married for a while... but then again, if Mr. Right walks into my life, I cant really tell him to keep walking. I just don't know. Life is so.......full of things. I wish I could just write out my life, and then have it happen that way. Wouldn't that be great. I mean, sure I would probably write in a Lamborghini, and a few billion dollars.. but I would stop after the villa in Spain and the loft in France. Just kidding...sort of. I just finished watching The Prince and Me... I think thats where I am getting all this from.
Okay, in other news...I am starting Isagenix again. I started the 30 day cleanse this morning with my Rich chocolate shake and this nasty 1 oz. shot of some sort of solution that tastes like raisins ans soy sauce. I almost threw up. The next 30 days is going to be interesting. I will keep a journal though. I need to track my progress.......and I should probably buy a scale!!!
Well... thats all for now. I am going to let my hair down, put in my ipod and drink water while I lay out in the 80 degree weather. YUM.
Friday, June 13, 2008
Oh the photographs...
Okay, so as psomised.. here are some super fun pics. I cant remember if I already put the ones from the 80's party up.. so here is the best one. All the guys and then me, down in front. (aw yeah, Jane Fonda...)

This is the gang when we went hiking. We hiked R Mountain, which from my bedroom window, looks like a big hill with a white "R" painted on it. But once you get there... its anything but a hill. Its huge and full of rocks and no oxygen... okay some.. just very, very little.
From left to Right: Chad, Megan, Ashley, Suzanne, Matt, Alison, Me.
After the hike, we took Chads truck and went off roading for a few hours. It was so much fun. Then we passed this little creek.. and the two boys, Matt and Chad, just HAD to jump in. So they did. And they were freezing. As you can kind of see from the picture, I am in the background smiling away, dry and warm.
This is Me, Ashley and Megan on top of R Mountain. This is the north-west side of the mountain. It is pretty windy up there, like.. windier than ground level in Rexburg.. who knew?
So, I hope you liked the pictures! If you are annoyed because they are so small, you can always go to my facebook page (here) and check them out at a more reasonable size!

From left to Right: Chad, Megan, Ashley, Suzanne, Matt, Alison, Me.

So, I hope you liked the pictures! If you are annoyed because they are so small, you can always go to my facebook page (here) and check them out at a more reasonable size!
Hey blogger world,
So yesterday was a very good day. I did so many things.
I had French class at 9am, and I got called on again. I think the teacher must like me, because I am up at the front for everything. It's kinda funny...but I don't mind. Then I came home and chilled for a bit. Kayla and I decided that we would go to the Galley, which is like the school cafeteria. It's really awesome and all you can eat for 6$. Pretty stoked. Then it was raining out, and it was annoying because previous to lunch it was sunny all around. The other funny part was all the EFY kids that are staying here. They are all so young. It's great. Especially yesterday...because there was this group of girls and they were laughing really loudly on purpose because of the guys that were sitting behind us.. and it's like.. "Hello, you are 14, and these guys are 24...get over yourself". It was great.
After the Galley, Kemper came and picked Kayla and I up to go grocery shopping. I got some groceries and toilet paper (Halleluiah, no more kleenex and paper towels!!!), and a blender for my Isagenix. I am pretty stoked about it. Then I we came home and I got cookin'...or bakin' rather. I made three batches of chocolate chip cookies and a dish of poutine. I delivered the cookies to my FHE brothers, FHE sisters, Alison and Megan (our neighbours), and the guys in 708. Thats a heck load of cookies. The poutine was for Enrichement. We had a culture night. It was fun! We learned about the Dominican Republic, China and Italy. LOVE LOVE LOVE! I want to go to Europe, So badly!!!!! After Enrichement, I had some left over Poutine, so I went over to 708 and the guys ate the rest. Then we stayed and watched the 4th game in the Basketball Finals.. or whatever you call them. It was pretty good. Those boys are great, one in particular, but also as a whole.
So anyways.. yesterday was pretty good. Today should be not so bad as well, although I don't know whats going on tonight. I would not be completely opposed to just staying in.. but then again, I could do with having some fun. We'll see I guess!!! Well, I must be gone. I have a test to take, then I am meeting Kayla in the MC for bagels and then off to Family 100! Hooray!
So yesterday was a very good day. I did so many things.
I had French class at 9am, and I got called on again. I think the teacher must like me, because I am up at the front for everything. It's kinda funny...but I don't mind. Then I came home and chilled for a bit. Kayla and I decided that we would go to the Galley, which is like the school cafeteria. It's really awesome and all you can eat for 6$. Pretty stoked. Then it was raining out, and it was annoying because previous to lunch it was sunny all around. The other funny part was all the EFY kids that are staying here. They are all so young. It's great. Especially yesterday...because there was this group of girls and they were laughing really loudly on purpose because of the guys that were sitting behind us.. and it's like.. "Hello, you are 14, and these guys are 24...get over yourself". It was great.
After the Galley, Kemper came and picked Kayla and I up to go grocery shopping. I got some groceries and toilet paper (Halleluiah, no more kleenex and paper towels!!!), and a blender for my Isagenix. I am pretty stoked about it. Then I we came home and I got cookin'...or bakin' rather. I made three batches of chocolate chip cookies and a dish of poutine. I delivered the cookies to my FHE brothers, FHE sisters, Alison and Megan (our neighbours), and the guys in 708. Thats a heck load of cookies. The poutine was for Enrichement. We had a culture night. It was fun! We learned about the Dominican Republic, China and Italy. LOVE LOVE LOVE! I want to go to Europe, So badly!!!!! After Enrichement, I had some left over Poutine, so I went over to 708 and the guys ate the rest. Then we stayed and watched the 4th game in the Basketball Finals.. or whatever you call them. It was pretty good. Those boys are great, one in particular, but also as a whole.
So anyways.. yesterday was pretty good. Today should be not so bad as well, although I don't know whats going on tonight. I would not be completely opposed to just staying in.. but then again, I could do with having some fun. We'll see I guess!!! Well, I must be gone. I have a test to take, then I am meeting Kayla in the MC for bagels and then off to Family 100! Hooray!
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
This is for you, Lauren.
Hey Lauren. So, I figure that I might as well just do a public update.
As for my dating life, it was short lived. I went on a few good dates with a friend. I really wanted to stay friends, and he knew that... because he knew that I liked his roomate. But, he decided to disregard that, and tell me he liked me. So now, we are still friends, but its just really weird...meaning, I am not trying to make it weird... its just that I have come to realize that matt, the guy I want to get to know better will never, ever, ever ask me out on a date. I dont know why, but that is what I am anticipating. I just get the feeling he is not much of a dater. I wish he was, because I knew we would get along well seeing as we already get along alright as friends. But this other guy, the one I thought just wanted to be my friend is all bitter inside. But then again, I dont know.. I think he is really just looking for a companion whether it is long term or short term. I dont really know.
Anyways... its kind of a bummer. Matt is a really nice person. He is funny too, and thats a big draw. Also, he has the brown eyes of a god. I just wouldn't be able to say not to him...not like the chance will ever come. I guess I have accepted that I am just not going to date this semester. I dont really know why. I am kind of frustrated because I dont really understand, but I dont think it has anything to do with me... the guys just dont want to date. It must be the whole summer commitement thing. Bahh...Story of my life. Time and time again...maybe Alberta will change things. Maybe I can find a guy that just wants to be with me, and doesnt expect kisses at every corner and isnt ready to just get married. I just want to have a best friend that I can hold hands with and stuff, you know? I want to date my best friend. Man....I need to get some patience. I am just rambling now.
Oh.. here is something else. It's June 11th....and... its....SNOWING OUTSIDE! AND THE WIND IS BLOWING EVERYTHING AROUND! SERIOUSLY! I mean, COME ON Rexburg! I want to just go home.. seriously. I am so sick of this campus and its snowing and its slow walking couples. I am so bitter. The worst part about this day.. Is I have no food at home, no money in my bank to buy any, and I am STARVING right now. Anyways...I think I might just walk home and go back to bed. I am having a bad day already.
Gosh, I am such a complainer. What are blogs for though, right?
As for my dating life, it was short lived. I went on a few good dates with a friend. I really wanted to stay friends, and he knew that... because he knew that I liked his roomate. But, he decided to disregard that, and tell me he liked me. So now, we are still friends, but its just really weird...meaning, I am not trying to make it weird... its just that I have come to realize that matt, the guy I want to get to know better will never, ever, ever ask me out on a date. I dont know why, but that is what I am anticipating. I just get the feeling he is not much of a dater. I wish he was, because I knew we would get along well seeing as we already get along alright as friends. But this other guy, the one I thought just wanted to be my friend is all bitter inside. But then again, I dont know.. I think he is really just looking for a companion whether it is long term or short term. I dont really know.
Anyways... its kind of a bummer. Matt is a really nice person. He is funny too, and thats a big draw. Also, he has the brown eyes of a god. I just wouldn't be able to say not to him...not like the chance will ever come. I guess I have accepted that I am just not going to date this semester. I dont really know why. I am kind of frustrated because I dont really understand, but I dont think it has anything to do with me... the guys just dont want to date. It must be the whole summer commitement thing. Bahh...Story of my life. Time and time again...maybe Alberta will change things. Maybe I can find a guy that just wants to be with me, and doesnt expect kisses at every corner and isnt ready to just get married. I just want to have a best friend that I can hold hands with and stuff, you know? I want to date my best friend. Man....I need to get some patience. I am just rambling now.
Oh.. here is something else. It's June 11th....and... its....SNOWING OUTSIDE! AND THE WIND IS BLOWING EVERYTHING AROUND! SERIOUSLY! I mean, COME ON Rexburg! I want to just go home.. seriously. I am so sick of this campus and its snowing and its slow walking couples. I am so bitter. The worst part about this day.. Is I have no food at home, no money in my bank to buy any, and I am STARVING right now. Anyways...I think I might just walk home and go back to bed. I am having a bad day already.
Gosh, I am such a complainer. What are blogs for though, right?
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
This really blew me away...
So... basically, I can't stand the weather here anymore.
The wind is up to 50 km/hour. Now, sure, it may not seem that bad, but I am on top of a hill, in an open area, across from a field and my house is on the inside corner of the house. Therefore, the wind is that much worse.
I just can't handle it. I mean, you walk home, and it takes you an extra 8 minutes or so because of the excessive wind resistance there is walking up hill to my apartment. Bad location, thats all I can say. Not to mention I can walk out of the house looking like a million bucks, hair brushed, outfit just right...and then walk into class, flat and tangly hair, clothes everywhere and smelling like that gross wind smell. Yuck.
By the time I got home today, it was only 10am (yes, only one class...allll day)...but I was tired again, hungry again and all I wanted to was sit. So, thats what I did. I have had a headache for 2 days straight, and I cant figure out whats causing it. I get enough sleep, I drink lots of water, I am eating healthy and getting plenty of exercise. Maybe I just need some human a hug. That would be nice, too bad everyone in here either :
A) doesn't know how, B)is too self absorbed, C) will only hug a person they think they will marry, D) only hugs people who they are getting married to, E)doesn't want to face the terrible Rexburg wind.
While I am venting, another thing that bugs me.... is that I did my visiting teaching this month, and I felt really good about it.. but I didn't get visited! WHAT THE HECK. I mean, I am having a rough time right now, and I just want some girls to come over and be my friend and laugh with me for 10 minutes..thats all I am asking. I just don't get it. Oh well....I guess it's not the end of the world. I will always have my blog..and facebook..........and French class to cheer me up.
Interesting fact I learned today in French: I grew up taking French classes, thinking that "Bonne Fete a Tu" meant Happy birthday to you....but I learned today.. it actually means.. Happy Party to you. Haha.. So for all those having a birthday... Bonne Fete a Tu.. HAPPY PARTYING!
The wind is up to 50 km/hour. Now, sure, it may not seem that bad, but I am on top of a hill, in an open area, across from a field and my house is on the inside corner of the house. Therefore, the wind is that much worse.
I just can't handle it. I mean, you walk home, and it takes you an extra 8 minutes or so because of the excessive wind resistance there is walking up hill to my apartment. Bad location, thats all I can say. Not to mention I can walk out of the house looking like a million bucks, hair brushed, outfit just right...and then walk into class, flat and tangly hair, clothes everywhere and smelling like that gross wind smell. Yuck.
By the time I got home today, it was only 10am (yes, only one class...allll day)...but I was tired again, hungry again and all I wanted to was sit. So, thats what I did. I have had a headache for 2 days straight, and I cant figure out whats causing it. I get enough sleep, I drink lots of water, I am eating healthy and getting plenty of exercise. Maybe I just need some human a hug. That would be nice, too bad everyone in here either :
A) doesn't know how, B)is too self absorbed, C) will only hug a person they think they will marry, D) only hugs people who they are getting married to, E)doesn't want to face the terrible Rexburg wind.
While I am venting, another thing that bugs me.... is that I did my visiting teaching this month, and I felt really good about it.. but I didn't get visited! WHAT THE HECK. I mean, I am having a rough time right now, and I just want some girls to come over and be my friend and laugh with me for 10 minutes..thats all I am asking. I just don't get it. Oh well....I guess it's not the end of the world. I will always have my blog..and facebook..........and French class to cheer me up.
Interesting fact I learned today in French: I grew up taking French classes, thinking that "Bonne Fete a Tu" meant Happy birthday to you....but I learned today.. it actually means.. Happy Party to you. Haha.. So for all those having a birthday... Bonne Fete a Tu.. HAPPY PARTYING!
Monday, June 9, 2008
I am so beat...the legal kind.
So, another jam-packed weekend for moi.
I have never been so tired in my whole life though. Lets see, it seems like my weekend started as soon as the last one ended.
I donated blood on Monday.
Tuesday, I......cant remember what I did. Oh right, I wrote three midterm exams. French, Family 100, and Fashion Merch. I aced them all :)
On Wednesday I hiked a small trail by Cress Creek with Chad and then ate at Big Jud's.
Thursday I hung out at 708, ate some cake for Marion's birthday, and......did some other fun stuff.
Friday I hung out at 708 again, did some other stuff...then Chad and I saw 10,000 BC.
Saturday was the hike up R Mountain. That was so exhausting. Then we went off-roading, then to Craigo's and then to Marion's actual dress up birthday party dance thing. Then I rode a bicycle built for two with Matt (sigh..) and then went to bed.
Sunday was church. Kayla was sick so I went alone. I have the greatest FHE brothers ever, because they came and sat by me. Then it was ward choir. Then I got recruited into being the fourth missionary companion in a mock discussion, which I gave at 708, because 810 was not home. Then they invited the 'missionaries' to stay for supper and brownies. So we did. We all talked, went home, baked cookies for ward prayer sweet swap, did that, then came home. Waited for my home teachers, they never came so I cooked until 10pm, put it in the fridge and went to bed.
Then I try and wake up this morning, I do, at 6am. So I go back to sleep, and don't wake up until 10am. Thats a full 12 hours in my bed, straight.
So, I missed French class, my body is still tight from the hike, I am exhausted, I have FHE tonight, and then this week, I have to help set up for the Teton Dam Marathon that i am volunteering for! YEAH. And while all this is happening, I am doing an Isagenix 30-day cleanse. How's that for my last 6 weeks of college? I am thinking nutso-beans. Yeah. Nutso-beans.
I have never been so tired in my whole life though. Lets see, it seems like my weekend started as soon as the last one ended.
I donated blood on Monday.
Tuesday, I......cant remember what I did. Oh right, I wrote three midterm exams. French, Family 100, and Fashion Merch. I aced them all :)
On Wednesday I hiked a small trail by Cress Creek with Chad and then ate at Big Jud's.
Thursday I hung out at 708, ate some cake for Marion's birthday, and......did some other fun stuff.
Friday I hung out at 708 again, did some other stuff...then Chad and I saw 10,000 BC.
Saturday was the hike up R Mountain. That was so exhausting. Then we went off-roading, then to Craigo's and then to Marion's actual dress up birthday party dance thing. Then I rode a bicycle built for two with Matt (sigh..) and then went to bed.
Sunday was church. Kayla was sick so I went alone. I have the greatest FHE brothers ever, because they came and sat by me. Then it was ward choir. Then I got recruited into being the fourth missionary companion in a mock discussion, which I gave at 708, because 810 was not home. Then they invited the 'missionaries' to stay for supper and brownies. So we did. We all talked, went home, baked cookies for ward prayer sweet swap, did that, then came home. Waited for my home teachers, they never came so I cooked until 10pm, put it in the fridge and went to bed.
Then I try and wake up this morning, I do, at 6am. So I go back to sleep, and don't wake up until 10am. Thats a full 12 hours in my bed, straight.
So, I missed French class, my body is still tight from the hike, I am exhausted, I have FHE tonight, and then this week, I have to help set up for the Teton Dam Marathon that i am volunteering for! YEAH. And while all this is happening, I am doing an Isagenix 30-day cleanse. How's that for my last 6 weeks of college? I am thinking nutso-beans. Yeah. Nutso-beans.
Saturday, June 7, 2008
Friday, June 6, 2008
Ooookay. Looks like once again, I am in a predicament. I am stuck between two worlds...actually, more like two guys. Thats all I can say... I am just confused, and I don't know what to do.
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
This is probably the funniest thing I have ever read....I almost laughed out loud in the library.
My mom sent this to me, and seriously, I had to read it over twice just to make sure I was reading it right. Just read this:
WANTED FOR ATTEMPTED MURDER (the actual AP headline) Linda Burnett, 23, a resident of San Diego, was visiting her in-laws, and while there she went to a nearby supermarket to pick up some groceries. Several people noticed her sitting in her car with the windows rolled up and with her eyes closed, with both hands behind the back of her head. One customer who had been at the store for a while became concerned and walked over to the car. He noticed that Linda's eyes were now open, and she looked very strange. He asked her if she was okay, and Linda replied that she'd been shot in the back of the head, and had been holding her brains in for over an hour. The man called the paramedics, who broke into the car because the doors were locked and Linda refused to remove her hands from her head. When they finally got in, they found that Linda had a wad of bread dough on the back of her head. A Pillsbury biscuit canister had exploded from the heat, making a loud noise that sounded like a gunshot, and the wad of dough hit her in the back of her head. When she reached back to find out what it was, she felt the dough and thought it was her brains. She initially passed out, but quickly recovered and tried to hold her brains in for over an hour until someone noticed and came to her aid. Linda is a blonde and a Democrat who is going to vote for Obama, but I'm certain that's irrelevant.
HAHAHA.. Irrelevant? Yeah..okay...
WANTED FOR ATTEMPTED MURDER (the actual AP headline) Linda Burnett, 23, a resident of San Diego, was visiting her in-laws, and while there she went to a nearby supermarket to pick up some groceries. Several people noticed her sitting in her car with the windows rolled up and with her eyes closed, with both hands behind the back of her head. One customer who had been at the store for a while became concerned and walked over to the car. He noticed that Linda's eyes were now open, and she looked very strange. He asked her if she was okay, and Linda replied that she'd been shot in the back of the head, and had been holding her brains in for over an hour. The man called the paramedics, who broke into the car because the doors were locked and Linda refused to remove her hands from her head. When they finally got in, they found that Linda had a wad of bread dough on the back of her head. A Pillsbury biscuit canister had exploded from the heat, making a loud noise that sounded like a gunshot, and the wad of dough hit her in the back of her head. When she reached back to find out what it was, she felt the dough and thought it was her brains. She initially passed out, but quickly recovered and tried to hold her brains in for over an hour until someone noticed and came to her aid. Linda is a blonde and a Democrat who is going to vote for Obama, but I'm certain that's irrelevant.
HAHAHA.. Irrelevant? Yeah..okay...
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
Tuesdays with Kelly...
Yes, play on words right there.. better believe it!
It's a Tuesday, and yes, once again, a busy day.
Yesterday was nutso-beans (I am trying to make that phrase doesnt seem to be working), as you can tell if you were around me at all yesterday, or if you just scrolled down on this very page and noticed my itinery. Today is not so busy, but my mind is racing. I just wrote my French test, and I am pretty sure I did good. I studied all last night... probably for about two hours, and then about half an hour before class. Here is a little taste of my "skills a la francaise" ( I am pretty sure that very gramatically incorrect..oh well...)
Bonjour! Je m'appelle Kelly Eagan. J'ai dix-huit ans. Je viens du Saskatchewan, Canada. Je suis jolie, creative at bete (there should be a little 'chinese hat' over the first 'e' in bete). J'aime lire de livre. J'adore ecrivez! J'aime faire du shopping. Je deteste le mathematics. Fin!
So I am pretty sure this language is clicking in my brain. It helps that I bought that cool French neclace, I'm sure.
So along with the fact that it is Tuesday, it's also Devotional Day!! HOORAY! I am dressed up for the day of school. I dont think I have ever come to school dressed up before, except when I have a presentation. I am feelin' pretty good. I will tell you what I am wearing. Okat, cute black sling back flats, black pencil skirt, empire waist surplise top from J.C. Penney's that I actually bought for my mom.. (I am just breaking it in for her...), my creme cropped elbow sleeved blazer and cute pearl earing.. and then my huge backpack full of books. Dont you love that? I mean.. I look all nice, and then I have this big "sac a dos" (backpack in French, literal translation is "Sack on back", haha i love it!). But seriously. I wish they had lockers on campus, because I am always lugging around books, and guess what... I dont have a car, or strong back for that matter. I guess Kanye said it best...."makes me stronger.." YEAH-Yah!
So once more, I am in the McKay library, killing time. I guess I ought to go do something worthwhile with my time... I dont know what.. I am really hungary.. but maybe I should just not eat and wait until the end of the day when Kayla brings home Nutella from the grocery store that she is buying me to pay back for something.. I cant remember what, but Nutella is a worthy payback. I think I would die without it. I hope my kids love it... actually, on second thought, I hope they dont, because then I can eat it all. HA. I am going to be a very selfless mother, cant you tell? Okay, I will... just not when it comes to Nutella.... okay.. fine...I am just kidding. But seriously... when that time of the month comes around, the house better be stocked to the brim..haha.
Well.. look forward to seeing another blog tonight at the end of the day, I am sure there are plenty of surprises in store for the rest of my day that I will want to write about... hey, I was just thinking... this counts as journal writing... right? It better. Man.. I am doing so well! I have never written in my "journal" this much. I love it. What a good council from the brethren.
Well, peace out blogging world.. See you in a 8 hours.
Au Revoir!
It's a Tuesday, and yes, once again, a busy day.
Yesterday was nutso-beans (I am trying to make that phrase doesnt seem to be working), as you can tell if you were around me at all yesterday, or if you just scrolled down on this very page and noticed my itinery. Today is not so busy, but my mind is racing. I just wrote my French test, and I am pretty sure I did good. I studied all last night... probably for about two hours, and then about half an hour before class. Here is a little taste of my "skills a la francaise" ( I am pretty sure that very gramatically incorrect..oh well...)
Bonjour! Je m'appelle Kelly Eagan. J'ai dix-huit ans. Je viens du Saskatchewan, Canada. Je suis jolie, creative at bete (there should be a little 'chinese hat' over the first 'e' in bete). J'aime lire de livre. J'adore ecrivez! J'aime faire du shopping. Je deteste le mathematics. Fin!
So I am pretty sure this language is clicking in my brain. It helps that I bought that cool French neclace, I'm sure.
So along with the fact that it is Tuesday, it's also Devotional Day!! HOORAY! I am dressed up for the day of school. I dont think I have ever come to school dressed up before, except when I have a presentation. I am feelin' pretty good. I will tell you what I am wearing. Okat, cute black sling back flats, black pencil skirt, empire waist surplise top from J.C. Penney's that I actually bought for my mom.. (I am just breaking it in for her...), my creme cropped elbow sleeved blazer and cute pearl earing.. and then my huge backpack full of books. Dont you love that? I mean.. I look all nice, and then I have this big "sac a dos" (backpack in French, literal translation is "Sack on back", haha i love it!). But seriously. I wish they had lockers on campus, because I am always lugging around books, and guess what... I dont have a car, or strong back for that matter. I guess Kanye said it best...."makes me stronger.." YEAH-Yah!
So once more, I am in the McKay library, killing time. I guess I ought to go do something worthwhile with my time... I dont know what.. I am really hungary.. but maybe I should just not eat and wait until the end of the day when Kayla brings home Nutella from the grocery store that she is buying me to pay back for something.. I cant remember what, but Nutella is a worthy payback. I think I would die without it. I hope my kids love it... actually, on second thought, I hope they dont, because then I can eat it all. HA. I am going to be a very selfless mother, cant you tell? Okay, I will... just not when it comes to Nutella.... okay.. fine...I am just kidding. But seriously... when that time of the month comes around, the house better be stocked to the brim..haha.
Well.. look forward to seeing another blog tonight at the end of the day, I am sure there are plenty of surprises in store for the rest of my day that I will want to write about... hey, I was just thinking... this counts as journal writing... right? It better. Man.. I am doing so well! I have never written in my "journal" this much. I love it. What a good council from the brethren.
Well, peace out blogging world.. See you in a 8 hours.
Au Revoir!
Monday, June 2, 2008
Haha, another post already...
Okay, so I am back on. I know I didn't know if I would be.. but I am.
Okay, so basically, in short, this past weekend was the best time of my life.
Here are some pictures to prove it.
So in this picture, which is sadly as big as it will go, is of the 80's dance party. Craig dressed up as Billy Idol, and all us gals were on our hands and knees going crazy for him. Haha. I am in the far left in the pink. Woot!
This one here is of all the guys and me. I was over there, and we were all getting ready for the big night. From left to right...
Slick (chad), Billy Idol (craig), Acid Wash (mike), Tom Cruise from Risky Business(matt), 80's Beach Bum (seth), Gangsta (ryan), and in front, Jane Fonda (me).. was a crazy night all right.
Okay, so basically, in short, this past weekend was the best time of my life.
Here are some pictures to prove it.

Slick (chad), Billy Idol (craig), Acid Wash (mike), Tom Cruise from Risky Business(matt), 80's Beach Bum (seth), Gangsta (ryan), and in front, Jane Fonda (me).. was a crazy night all right.
What a busy week...
So, today is Monday....again.
I cannot tell you how much I wish this weekend never ended...but it did, and here I am.
This week is honestly going to be from heck. I have so much to do. Let's start with today.
I woke up at 7:30 am, as usual with a plan...and this is what it was.
9:00-10:00am-French Class
10:00-11:30am-At the Library printing out page after page for my huge resource file due today, Doing my 30 questions of Auto 100 homework and figuring out that I was double charger for a transaction on campus. Then I had to go and get some food. (fun huh?...just wait)
11:30-12:30pm-Auto 100 class..learned some new things, but wow.. it was cold in there.
12:30-12:45pm-Bathroom break and then getting from one side of campus to the other.
12:45-1:45pm-Donating blood at the on-campus blood drive. (I shot out a pint in exactly 6 min's)
1:45-2:00pm-Running across campus again, and trying not to pass out.
2:00-2:30-In the financial office on campus trying to get my money back for the double charge, I did by the way.
2:30-2:50pm-Walking home, up the hill, against the wind, trying not to pass out from my lack of a pint of blood.
2:50-6:30pm-Homework, supper, homework, blog (this), studying.
8:00-9:30pm-French study hall, back on campus.
9:30-whenever-Studying for the two tests I have tomorrow...yeah...
So...its amazing I haven't already passed out.. don't you think?
Ha. I may not be blogging for a few days... I'm just sayin'......
I cannot tell you how much I wish this weekend never ended...but it did, and here I am.
This week is honestly going to be from heck. I have so much to do. Let's start with today.
I woke up at 7:30 am, as usual with a plan...and this is what it was.
9:00-10:00am-French Class
10:00-11:30am-At the Library printing out page after page for my huge resource file due today, Doing my 30 questions of Auto 100 homework and figuring out that I was double charger for a transaction on campus. Then I had to go and get some food. (fun huh?...just wait)
11:30-12:30pm-Auto 100 class..learned some new things, but wow.. it was cold in there.
12:30-12:45pm-Bathroom break and then getting from one side of campus to the other.
12:45-1:45pm-Donating blood at the on-campus blood drive. (I shot out a pint in exactly 6 min's)
1:45-2:00pm-Running across campus again, and trying not to pass out.
2:00-2:30-In the financial office on campus trying to get my money back for the double charge, I did by the way.
2:30-2:50pm-Walking home, up the hill, against the wind, trying not to pass out from my lack of a pint of blood.
2:50-6:30pm-Homework, supper, homework, blog (this), studying.
8:00-9:30pm-French study hall, back on campus.
9:30-whenever-Studying for the two tests I have tomorrow...yeah...
So...its amazing I haven't already passed out.. don't you think?
Ha. I may not be blogging for a few days... I'm just sayin'......
Sunday, June 1, 2008
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