Sunday, May 25, 2008

Boys and Family History Indexing....

Yes, readers, you read correctly. The most recent blog (this one) is in-fact about boys (whoo!) and family history indexing (super-whoo!).

I will start out in alphabetical order, which means boys.
News update. Turns out, there are other crushes. Not so obvious this afternoon, yet suddenly have been made aware to my tired brain. There is this guy. A friend of a friend. Beginning. My friend, boy-A, has a friend boy-B. Boy-A and Boy-B are in a band together. Boy-A had a crush on me, but it was definitly not reciprocated, especially when I found out my roomate had a thing for him. Boy-B sings like an amazing person (so specific), and can speak french (sigh...). This is an amazing combination. Boy-B is really hard on himself about his music, which is basically psycho because he could get signed if he wanted to...So, this boy (B)...I don't even think he notices me. I mean, there were times when I thought that maybe he did, but to no avail. He voiced his concern (well..quietly talked to his friend, and I happened to overhear), that he doesn't know how to talk to girls, or something to that effect. Well...sitting, lonely and eavesdropping was me. I cant exactly make a sign and hold it up in seconds for him to see. That is a little too obvious. And I cant very well ask Boy-A to give me the "ins" with Boy-B, now can I? So alas, another really stupid situation, as to where the short stick falls into my court. It would help if I could throw it back, but I dont have a very good arm.

OKAY. Topic 2. Family History Indexing. This is probably the greatest thing ever. You think its going to be hard and boring, but let me tell you.. it is anything but boring... but it can be hard at time. For me? Well, I haven't studied proper cursive writing techniques since 5th grade, so trying to desipher C's and G's is taking me a while. I am left to try and "air-write" it out with my pointer finger in front of my face in an attempt to jog my memory about the specific angle of the "loop". So far, and total of 120 names have been indexed by yours truly. Everyone with family in are very welcome!

this is the it....DO IT....DO IT NOW:


  1. 120 names!!! Woot Kelly!
    Massechesettes will be very happy I am very sure. BTW....I know I spelled that State's name wrong. Sorry Mass.

  2. yeah.... its up to over 250 now. I stayed up late doing a few batches! POWER HOUSE!
