I cant believe it! It has been two days (almost) since my last blog.. wow.. you must be thinking: What has that girl been doing that she cannot simply blog? Well fellow bloggers and readers, I have been having the absolute time of my life.
Thursday night was a blast. I was anticipating a horrible night because of a slight glitch in my plans, but things worked out for the best. The spirit relay was on. Teams from each ward competed in a 50 lap relay in honor or spirit week, here at BYU-I. I was 1/8th of the cheering section. It was pretty radical, I must say. Black and white were out team colors, so of course it was easy to dress up. Our team kicked trash! After that, back to 708 (i think thats the apartment), where we made food and then ate it. I dont think I have had that much fun in a long time. It was nice to be out doing things again.. not just the usual watching a movie on Friday night etc.
Friday night was the real kicker though. Can you say 80's Dance Party? I sure can, and I did! I went over the guys apartment and we got outfits together. I went back to my place to change and came back and wow... lets just say... Jane Fonda (me), meets Billy Idol (craig), with Tom Cruise form Risky Business (Matt), Super 80's G-sta (Ryan...i think) and Acid Wash (Mike). Seriously. The group pic's were sick...in a good way. I had such a good time last night. I have not had so much fun dancing and laughing and going crazy. And can I just say something... Matt does a way better Tom Cruise...and wow.. yeah.........on.fire.
Saturday, May 31, 2008
Thursday, May 29, 2008
Oh, the torture...
Current Location: BYU-I David O. McKay Library, first floor computer area (official name?)
Current Status: BORED OUT OF MY MIND
I honestly don't know what to do right now. It's sad that my options are blogging in public or sitting on a bench in a hallway for 44 minutes.
So today is thursday. Pretty exciting I suppose. Tonight is going to be a blast! Its the Spirit Week Relay! YEAHHH. I am going to be a cheerleader...because I dont like running around unless there is a ball in front of me. Our team colors are black and white (my specialty) so i am going to be decked out from head to toe. Also, a certain somebody is going to be there! I am pretty thrilled about this. If you (you know who you are) are reading this right now, then sheild your eyes. This is an "honor code" concept right now
So, this particular person, male, man, guy...whatever you want to classify him as, is wonderful. I dont know him too well, but I am looking forward to slowly and surely changing that. I dont want to rush into anything, but I dont want to waste time not rushing. I mean, going slow is hard sometimes, but I truly believe it is worth it. Taking the most care in getting to know someone brings on a stronger connection than rushing into things and then trying to fit things together. Dont try and put together a puzzle without the picture on the box, it doesnt work.. Same sorta thing. Dont skip steps. Just go in order, go slow, and things will work if they are supposed to, or dont if they are not.
Okay, back on here. It's safe. So. Anyways, this weekend. Should be good. Tomorrow night (friday) there is a birthday party for the girls in my FHE group. I am really excited, but nervous because I dont want to go alone. My roomate is not much of a socialite partier. (wow, the guy that was sitting next to me in the library just got up quickly and...HELLO B.O...that should be against Honor Code). Anyways. So I am nervous. I am hoping that maybe tonight, somebody mentions to me about it and then somehow invites me to go with them or something. Its really hard to be new in a ward, expecially when everyone has been there for a long time. I guess this is practice for when I go back to Lethbridge. (I wonder how many people are looking at my computer screen, noticing that I am blogging.. HEy, you!...mind your own business...haha..). So, anyways, back on track, I just really hope that I get to go and have a good time.
OH. I totally forgot. I have to coolest home teachers ever. Scott and Derek are one in a million. It is so refreshing to have hometeachers that actually want to be there doing it! HOORAY. And they are pretty cute, and nice, and outgoing and well spoken.. and oh.. did I mention Derek served a french speaking mission? Yeah, and that he offered to help me out with my french class? YEAH, I KNOW. Bonjour, home teachers! Well, I guess I better end this novel. It's about time the main character goes to a different building and try to waste more time. Let's just hope this story has a happy ending.
Kelly walks swiftly to the clarke building to the sounds of her incredible music travelling through those white wires that lead to her right jean pocket. She opens the door, and standing at the top of the stares looking down at her is a wonderful guy holding a bouquet of daisy's (or peonies, they are her favorite, but kind of big for a bouquet). She runs up the stairs and is scooped up by loving arms. They walk off into the afternoon sun and converse about getting smoothies at JoLynns.
Current Status: BORED OUT OF MY MIND
I honestly don't know what to do right now. It's sad that my options are blogging in public or sitting on a bench in a hallway for 44 minutes.
So today is thursday. Pretty exciting I suppose. Tonight is going to be a blast! Its the Spirit Week Relay! YEAHHH. I am going to be a cheerleader...because I dont like running around unless there is a ball in front of me. Our team colors are black and white (my specialty) so i am going to be decked out from head to toe. Also, a certain somebody is going to be there! I am pretty thrilled about this. If you (you know who you are) are reading this right now, then sheild your eyes. This is an "honor code" concept right now
So, this particular person, male, man, guy...whatever you want to classify him as, is wonderful. I dont know him too well, but I am looking forward to slowly and surely changing that. I dont want to rush into anything, but I dont want to waste time not rushing. I mean, going slow is hard sometimes, but I truly believe it is worth it. Taking the most care in getting to know someone brings on a stronger connection than rushing into things and then trying to fit things together. Dont try and put together a puzzle without the picture on the box, it doesnt work.. Same sorta thing. Dont skip steps. Just go in order, go slow, and things will work if they are supposed to, or dont if they are not.
Okay, back on here. It's safe. So. Anyways, this weekend. Should be good. Tomorrow night (friday) there is a birthday party for the girls in my FHE group. I am really excited, but nervous because I dont want to go alone. My roomate is not much of a socialite partier. (wow, the guy that was sitting next to me in the library just got up quickly and...HELLO B.O...that should be against Honor Code). Anyways. So I am nervous. I am hoping that maybe tonight, somebody mentions to me about it and then somehow invites me to go with them or something. Its really hard to be new in a ward, expecially when everyone has been there for a long time. I guess this is practice for when I go back to Lethbridge. (I wonder how many people are looking at my computer screen, noticing that I am blogging.. HEy, you!...mind your own business...haha..). So, anyways, back on track, I just really hope that I get to go and have a good time.
OH. I totally forgot. I have to coolest home teachers ever. Scott and Derek are one in a million. It is so refreshing to have hometeachers that actually want to be there doing it! HOORAY. And they are pretty cute, and nice, and outgoing and well spoken.. and oh.. did I mention Derek served a french speaking mission? Yeah, and that he offered to help me out with my french class? YEAH, I KNOW. Bonjour, home teachers! Well, I guess I better end this novel. It's about time the main character goes to a different building and try to waste more time. Let's just hope this story has a happy ending.
Kelly walks swiftly to the clarke building to the sounds of her incredible music travelling through those white wires that lead to her right jean pocket. She opens the door, and standing at the top of the stares looking down at her is a wonderful guy holding a bouquet of daisy's (or peonies, they are her favorite, but kind of big for a bouquet). She runs up the stairs and is scooped up by loving arms. They walk off into the afternoon sun and converse about getting smoothies at JoLynns.
* Now that's a happy ending.
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Oh yeahhhhhhhh
Guess what I did tonight? I did three hours of homework and organized all my "important documents and files". Man, I'm good. I felt the need to blog that. Oh, and I just realized that I didn't blog on Tuesday. I am such a slacker. Pretend this is a Tuesday blog, and we'll all be okay. Well, on to more homework, and then hopefully a sufficiently fulfilling nights rest so I can be energized for my ridiculously long list of "to-do's". Be proud mom. I am representing Saskatchewan well. Peace out pizza slices.
Wednesday... oh yeah!!!
Yes, it is a new day.
I must say, new days are very good. Today was a very well-rounded day. I went to my French class this morning (j'adore francaise!), and had a wonderful time. There is something about French class that really motivates me. I mean, I really believe that if I had any other class M-Th at 9am, i probably would just cut class. But it's true what they say, French really is the language of love.
So after my French class, I proceeded to make my way to the Austin, where I sit for about an hour until my Auto 100 class starts. Usually, not only am I the only girl in the building at (what it seems like) any given moment, I am usually alone in the foyer where they have benches, so it is nice and quiet. But not today. Today there was this odd little guy sitting on my usual bench. I mean, no big deal... sure it threw me off a little, but I am open to change. So I sit down on the adjacent bench which is a few feet away. I put in my music and turn the volume low so I can still hear whats going on a little, just in case. Not a minute later, this weird little man starts whistling....and not quietly. And its not even a tune or anything, its just random pitches of whistling to what I assume he thought went along with the music coming from his mp3 player. So I turned up my volume to drown it out. The next thing he does, on top of whistling loudly is do that weird finger thing that guys do. You know, that movement where they slap their fingers together with a flick of their wrist? It is usually the sort of thing you do when you are holding a can of chewing tobacco. Or atleast I think so. SO, with these things going on, and nowhere else to go for the remaining minutes, I just sat and tried to drown it out with the sweet sounds of none other than the amazing, Michael Buble.
Then some good things happened. I am not going to be specific, just in case.. but lets just say, my streak of not going on dates, hopefully will be coming to and end shortly. But, I am only being hopeful, because chances are, I am completely wrong about this guy, although I am certain I am not. Anyways, thats beside the point.
Last but certainly not least was my last class of the day, Family 100. If you are in college, going into college, or already graduated, I suggest you take this class from Byron Webster. Best teacher you will ever, ever have. At first he may seem a little odd, or somewhat scatterbrained, but he is one of those people who you would last expect to appreciate so much. But you do. So I am just saying....but seriously, it will change your perspective.
So, thats pretty much what my Wednesday has brought me. Nothing to life altering, or gear shifting, but definitely some things to think about. A toast to Wednesdays....for filling up the middle of our weeks!
I must say, new days are very good. Today was a very well-rounded day. I went to my French class this morning (j'adore francaise!), and had a wonderful time. There is something about French class that really motivates me. I mean, I really believe that if I had any other class M-Th at 9am, i probably would just cut class. But it's true what they say, French really is the language of love.
So after my French class, I proceeded to make my way to the Austin, where I sit for about an hour until my Auto 100 class starts. Usually, not only am I the only girl in the building at (what it seems like) any given moment, I am usually alone in the foyer where they have benches, so it is nice and quiet. But not today. Today there was this odd little guy sitting on my usual bench. I mean, no big deal... sure it threw me off a little, but I am open to change. So I sit down on the adjacent bench which is a few feet away. I put in my music and turn the volume low so I can still hear whats going on a little, just in case. Not a minute later, this weird little man starts whistling....and not quietly. And its not even a tune or anything, its just random pitches of whistling to what I assume he thought went along with the music coming from his mp3 player. So I turned up my volume to drown it out. The next thing he does, on top of whistling loudly is do that weird finger thing that guys do. You know, that movement where they slap their fingers together with a flick of their wrist? It is usually the sort of thing you do when you are holding a can of chewing tobacco. Or atleast I think so. SO, with these things going on, and nowhere else to go for the remaining minutes, I just sat and tried to drown it out with the sweet sounds of none other than the amazing, Michael Buble.
Then some good things happened. I am not going to be specific, just in case.. but lets just say, my streak of not going on dates, hopefully will be coming to and end shortly. But, I am only being hopeful, because chances are, I am completely wrong about this guy, although I am certain I am not. Anyways, thats beside the point.
Last but certainly not least was my last class of the day, Family 100. If you are in college, going into college, or already graduated, I suggest you take this class from Byron Webster. Best teacher you will ever, ever have. At first he may seem a little odd, or somewhat scatterbrained, but he is one of those people who you would last expect to appreciate so much. But you do. So I am just saying....but seriously, it will change your perspective.
So, thats pretty much what my Wednesday has brought me. Nothing to life altering, or gear shifting, but definitely some things to think about. A toast to Wednesdays....for filling up the middle of our weeks!
Monday, May 26, 2008
Family History Name Indexing is running my life....320 names and counting..thats approximately 4 hours I have spent over the last day doing it. That's nutso-beans.
Memorial Day...
So. Today is memorial day. This has been the most uneventful day, let alone holiday!
I woke up around 9, stayed in bed for an hour. Then I couldn't find anything for breakfast...or rather, nothing that I wanted to eat. So I decided I would plan ahead for lunch. I made Tzaziki dressing and put it in the fridge for later (yum).
Then guess what I did? I went back to bed.
I justify it though. I mean, it was storming outside. It was raining, hailing, windy and the whole sky was the same shade of gray. Now, I am just saying...but honestly, what else is there to do on a day like today? Exactly...
I bet I know what you are thinking...'this girl is so lazy and such a slob! She layed around in her pajamas all day'. You are very, very right. Except for one small detail. I did homework... I just did it in bed! Ha! The best of both worlds. So it is currently 5:18 pm and I am sitting in my bed, with sweats on, a tank and my hair pulled back. I have not greeted the shower today at all, it's a good life. You may think that is completely disgusting, but if you are at all sane, you love to lay around for just one day a month, if not more.
So I guess my memorial day was not all to waste. I did write 2 papers for my Family 100 class and finish 1/5 of my resource file...oh...and I colored. Well, hopefully something happens in the last hours that are left in the day. I don't count on it, and I would like to be semi-presentable (showered) if anyone happens to pop by. Off to see the shower, the most wonderful shower of all...because, because, because, because, because!!!!.........Because of the wonderful things it does!
I woke up around 9, stayed in bed for an hour. Then I couldn't find anything for breakfast...or rather, nothing that I wanted to eat. So I decided I would plan ahead for lunch. I made Tzaziki dressing and put it in the fridge for later (yum).
Then guess what I did? I went back to bed.
I justify it though. I mean, it was storming outside. It was raining, hailing, windy and the whole sky was the same shade of gray. Now, I am just saying...but honestly, what else is there to do on a day like today? Exactly...
I bet I know what you are thinking...'this girl is so lazy and such a slob! She layed around in her pajamas all day'. You are very, very right. Except for one small detail. I did homework... I just did it in bed! Ha! The best of both worlds. So it is currently 5:18 pm and I am sitting in my bed, with sweats on, a tank and my hair pulled back. I have not greeted the shower today at all, it's a good life. You may think that is completely disgusting, but if you are at all sane, you love to lay around for just one day a month, if not more.
So I guess my memorial day was not all to waste. I did write 2 papers for my Family 100 class and finish 1/5 of my resource file...oh...and I colored. Well, hopefully something happens in the last hours that are left in the day. I don't count on it, and I would like to be semi-presentable (showered) if anyone happens to pop by. Off to see the shower, the most wonderful shower of all...because, because, because, because, because!!!!.........Because of the wonderful things it does!
Sunday, May 25, 2008
Boys and Family History Indexing....
Yes, readers, you read correctly. The most recent blog (this one) is in-fact about boys (whoo!) and family history indexing (super-whoo!).
I will start out in alphabetical order, which means boys.
News update. Turns out, there are other crushes. Not so obvious this afternoon, yet suddenly have been made aware to my tired brain. There is this guy. A friend of a friend. Beginning. My friend, boy-A, has a friend boy-B. Boy-A and Boy-B are in a band together. Boy-A had a crush on me, but it was definitly not reciprocated, especially when I found out my roomate had a thing for him. Boy-B sings like an amazing person (so specific), and can speak french (sigh...). This is an amazing combination. Boy-B is really hard on himself about his music, which is basically psycho because he could get signed if he wanted to...So, this boy (B)...I don't even think he notices me. I mean, there were times when I thought that maybe he did, but to no avail. He voiced his concern (well..quietly talked to his friend, and I happened to overhear), that he doesn't know how to talk to girls, or something to that effect. Well...sitting, lonely and eavesdropping was me. I cant exactly make a sign and hold it up in seconds for him to see. That is a little too obvious. And I cant very well ask Boy-A to give me the "ins" with Boy-B, now can I? So alas, another really stupid situation, as to where the short stick falls into my court. It would help if I could throw it back, but I dont have a very good arm.
OKAY. Topic 2. Family History Indexing. This is probably the greatest thing ever. You think its going to be hard and boring, but let me tell you.. it is anything but boring... but it can be hard at time. For me? Well, I haven't studied proper cursive writing techniques since 5th grade, so trying to desipher C's and G's is taking me a while. I am left to try and "air-write" it out with my pointer finger in front of my face in an attempt to jog my memory about the specific angle of the "loop". So far, and total of 120 names have been indexed by yours truly. Everyone with family in Massachusetts....you are very welcome!
this is the site....do it....DO IT....DO IT NOW: http://www.familysearch.org
I will start out in alphabetical order, which means boys.
News update. Turns out, there are other crushes. Not so obvious this afternoon, yet suddenly have been made aware to my tired brain. There is this guy. A friend of a friend. Beginning. My friend, boy-A, has a friend boy-B. Boy-A and Boy-B are in a band together. Boy-A had a crush on me, but it was definitly not reciprocated, especially when I found out my roomate had a thing for him. Boy-B sings like an amazing person (so specific), and can speak french (sigh...). This is an amazing combination. Boy-B is really hard on himself about his music, which is basically psycho because he could get signed if he wanted to...So, this boy (B)...I don't even think he notices me. I mean, there were times when I thought that maybe he did, but to no avail. He voiced his concern (well..quietly talked to his friend, and I happened to overhear), that he doesn't know how to talk to girls, or something to that effect. Well...sitting, lonely and eavesdropping was me. I cant exactly make a sign and hold it up in seconds for him to see. That is a little too obvious. And I cant very well ask Boy-A to give me the "ins" with Boy-B, now can I? So alas, another really stupid situation, as to where the short stick falls into my court. It would help if I could throw it back, but I dont have a very good arm.
OKAY. Topic 2. Family History Indexing. This is probably the greatest thing ever. You think its going to be hard and boring, but let me tell you.. it is anything but boring... but it can be hard at time. For me? Well, I haven't studied proper cursive writing techniques since 5th grade, so trying to desipher C's and G's is taking me a while. I am left to try and "air-write" it out with my pointer finger in front of my face in an attempt to jog my memory about the specific angle of the "loop". So far, and total of 120 names have been indexed by yours truly. Everyone with family in Massachusetts....you are very welcome!
this is the site....do it....DO IT....DO IT NOW: http://www.familysearch.org
The worst part about BYU....
So I have decided something.
BYU-I is a great place as an entirety. There is no doubt in my mind about that.
But the worst part about it is the whole dating thing. Let me see if I can wrap my brain around this and get my words straight.
So basically, the way it goes for girls is:
1) you arrive with a purpose. So you are either a girl looking for a good education and casual dating (or less)...or you are a girl here solely here to get hitched. That may seem a little harsh, but when you walk around campus and have 12 girls from your relief society your first semester get engaged within 2.7 months....you'll know what I mean. (and that's true about the 12 girls getting engaged.. it was my RS)
So me, I am the first category. I want an education, will occasional dates. I don't think thats bad at all. The only problem so far is that all my dates have ended in " I think we should just be friends", and that's me saying it. OR they end up in a " I am leaving for two months, but I wanted to tell you I love you... I know its only been 10 days, but you mean something to me". And yes, that is also true.. I got an "i love you" not an "i luv you". There is a distinct difference. It makes for a good journal entry though! So the first semester here, yeah...not the greatest.
Now it is semester two. And now that I have gotten into the BYU-I rhythm, it seems like I cant get a date. There is a really cute guy in my ward...I wont say his last name, just in case..but his first name is Matt. Love that name to begin with, and then he has these wonderful brown eyes. You cant say no to big brown eyes.. I mean, c'mon, it's just not possible. The only problem is, I haven't even had the chance to say no.. or yes for that matter. It's sad really. He seems like a really good guy, and fun too! That is a bonus. Maybe everyone just thinks I have a boyfriend already.. which does not make sense because I come to ever single activity, and come alone too.
So anyways...and it's not like I am searching for a guy, I just feel much more open to a good relationship lately. So.. I am not searching per say, just.....being aware. Whatever I am doing, it doesn't seem to work. But then again, I am not looking to get married for ATLEAST 2 years (atleast). There is so much I want do. I guess I just want a good relationship, with a good LDS boy, preferably an RM. But I guess I might as well see what Lethbridge has to offer me, because Matt lives in Cali, and when am I going to be there next, right?
BYU-I is a great place as an entirety. There is no doubt in my mind about that.
But the worst part about it is the whole dating thing. Let me see if I can wrap my brain around this and get my words straight.
So basically, the way it goes for girls is:
1) you arrive with a purpose. So you are either a girl looking for a good education and casual dating (or less)...or you are a girl here solely here to get hitched. That may seem a little harsh, but when you walk around campus and have 12 girls from your relief society your first semester get engaged within 2.7 months....you'll know what I mean. (and that's true about the 12 girls getting engaged.. it was my RS)
So me, I am the first category. I want an education, will occasional dates. I don't think thats bad at all. The only problem so far is that all my dates have ended in " I think we should just be friends", and that's me saying it. OR they end up in a " I am leaving for two months, but I wanted to tell you I love you... I know its only been 10 days, but you mean something to me". And yes, that is also true.. I got an "i love you" not an "i luv you". There is a distinct difference. It makes for a good journal entry though! So the first semester here, yeah...not the greatest.
Now it is semester two. And now that I have gotten into the BYU-I rhythm, it seems like I cant get a date. There is a really cute guy in my ward...I wont say his last name, just in case..but his first name is Matt. Love that name to begin with, and then he has these wonderful brown eyes. You cant say no to big brown eyes.. I mean, c'mon, it's just not possible. The only problem is, I haven't even had the chance to say no.. or yes for that matter. It's sad really. He seems like a really good guy, and fun too! That is a bonus. Maybe everyone just thinks I have a boyfriend already.. which does not make sense because I come to ever single activity, and come alone too.
So anyways...and it's not like I am searching for a guy, I just feel much more open to a good relationship lately. So.. I am not searching per say, just.....being aware. Whatever I am doing, it doesn't seem to work. But then again, I am not looking to get married for ATLEAST 2 years (atleast). There is so much I want do. I guess I just want a good relationship, with a good LDS boy, preferably an RM. But I guess I might as well see what Lethbridge has to offer me, because Matt lives in Cali, and when am I going to be there next, right?
Saturday, May 24, 2008
Another great place to shop...But I will use the little self control I have left...
This is so bad. I am such a horrible person. I think I should really think about taking money management classes before I actually have money. 8 months without cash to spend freely is a long time. A lot of built up pressure. I mean, sure online shopping has it's thrills, but it's a completely different thing to walk around a mall, looking cute, buying cute things, looking at cute boys. The mall is just something else, thats for sure.
But, alas, I have found another online store...to not shop at. This time it's a wonderful boutique with many different brand names from Rocketdog to Steve Madden. Lulus.com is a wonder.
ere is just a little taste:

I love all of these. I really want that handbag...so mom..if you are reading this.. you're right, I don't need anymore purses... I need more handbags.
But, alas, I have found another online store...to not shop at. This time it's a wonderful boutique with many different brand names from Rocketdog to Steve Madden. Lulus.com is a wonder.

I love all of these. I really want that handbag...so mom..if you are reading this.. you're right, I don't need anymore purses... I need more handbags.
It's Saturday...again.
I woke up at 8:12am, and then proceeded to fall back asleep and wake up every hour after that until 11:00am, which is now.
Last night I had a dream. I don't exactly remember what it was about, but I remember waking up and feeling like I needed to go shopping. I guess it's a curse. Then I remembered..."I am in Idaho. The closest shopping experience here is either gained in the campus bookstore, or at Walmart which is all the way at the other side of town. In reality, the other end of town is only about an 8 minute drive with moderate traffic.
Without a car and stuck on a hill, I resort to online shopping. If you have never done it, I suggest it. I don't suggest Ebay, but do go online and shop in actually websites, for actual stores. Here are some of the purchases I have recently made. Enjoy!

Now. Because I have recently become border-line obsessed with Paris, France, I decided I need to look legit. So, in honour of my love for fashion design and my 8 years of elementary French (that I am now taking college courses for...), I purchased this wonderful little charm necklace. I tried to find similar charms on the web that I could buy separate for a bargain, but apparently nobody has them and I am not willing to go through Ebay to get them. But...definitely a staple item, right?

These shoes are definitely a bargain. I am not going to tell you where they are from until you read this. They were $7!!!! Yeah, I know! I almost jumped out of bed, but then I realized I didn't want to move. They are made of a soft black canvas. They come in Royal Blue. The blue screamed "wear me with something that doesn't match to make a fashion statement!", so I decided that a neutral would work just fine for me. Now for the reveal. Walmart. Yes, you read correctly. Walmart is where I purchased them. Love bargains or what?
Guess what? Another "too good to pass up" bargain from Walmart! These ones are from the George collection, so I feel a little bit better about myself. I think I have found a new obsession though, sling-backs. It's always good to stay out of denial, so I do...but purchasing it. What a wonderful cycle. I get a new pair of shoes, Walmart makes money, and my feet look great. It's a win-win-win situation.
This shirt is from JC Penney. Did you know that JC himself started out making shoes? Yeah, neither did I until yesterday. I would say thats pretty cool. So another obsession of mine is comfort+square neck=my kind of shirt. The thing I love about this shirt is that it has a style, color and cut that are all flattering. Coming from me, a color-phobe when it comes to me wearing it, that's pretty good I would have to say. Its about time I get rid of my fear and just spice up my life already. Here is to good buy's. This one was $17.99!
HURRAY for great buys!!
Okay, last purchase, I swear. This shirt was $19.99 at JC Penney's. Now, when I talked to my mom over the phone, she looked it up online and said " don't you think that style is a little old for you?". Looking at this shirt, the only remotely old thing I see is the woman wearing the shirt. This shirt is not tight, its got a higher neck and longer sleeves. It's modest. I like that. Also, this is the kind of shirt that can be worn with a belt, a crop jacket, and lots of heavy jewelery. This style may be a little bit doubtful, but these are the kind of comfortable staple items any woman should not go without. Its versatile, functional and all the while, it looks good during any season. I would say this is perfect.
So, now that my shopping craving is out the window, I can rest a little easier at night, knowing I have some cute clothes to match up with my old cute clothes and my down-right ugly clothes to make something wonderful. It's hard to not shop when you have nothing else to do... but my philosophy is: If you feel a little down, and it's on sale...buy it. There is nothing more satisfying than binging on sale items, rather than binging on cookies...or Nutella.
I woke up at 8:12am, and then proceeded to fall back asleep and wake up every hour after that until 11:00am, which is now.
Last night I had a dream. I don't exactly remember what it was about, but I remember waking up and feeling like I needed to go shopping. I guess it's a curse. Then I remembered..."I am in Idaho. The closest shopping experience here is either gained in the campus bookstore, or at Walmart which is all the way at the other side of town. In reality, the other end of town is only about an 8 minute drive with moderate traffic.
Without a car and stuck on a hill, I resort to online shopping. If you have never done it, I suggest it. I don't suggest Ebay, but do go online and shop in actually websites, for actual stores. Here are some of the purchases I have recently made. Enjoy!

Now. Because I have recently become border-line obsessed with Paris, France, I decided I need to look legit. So, in honour of my love for fashion design and my 8 years of elementary French (that I am now taking college courses for...), I purchased this wonderful little charm necklace. I tried to find similar charms on the web that I could buy separate for a bargain, but apparently nobody has them and I am not willing to go through Ebay to get them. But...definitely a staple item, right?

These shoes are definitely a bargain. I am not going to tell you where they are from until you read this. They were $7!!!! Yeah, I know! I almost jumped out of bed, but then I realized I didn't want to move. They are made of a soft black canvas. They come in Royal Blue. The blue screamed "wear me with something that doesn't match to make a fashion statement!", so I decided that a neutral would work just fine for me. Now for the reveal. Walmart. Yes, you read correctly. Walmart is where I purchased them. Love bargains or what?

HURRAY for great buys!!

So, now that my shopping craving is out the window, I can rest a little easier at night, knowing I have some cute clothes to match up with my old cute clothes and my down-right ugly clothes to make something wonderful. It's hard to not shop when you have nothing else to do... but my philosophy is: If you feel a little down, and it's on sale...buy it. There is nothing more satisfying than binging on sale items, rather than binging on cookies...or Nutella.
Friday, May 23, 2008
Is this really how it's going to be?
So today is Friday. Its around half eight here in Rexburg, Idaho. Officially, one would think that in the spirit of Memorial Day weekend there would be much to do on the night of the kick off to the next three days of heaven. But to no avail. The weather sucks, everyone has left town, and I am stuck in my old apartment with nothing to do but be cold. It wasn't always like this however.
I woke up this morning with a lot of hope. Contrary to by belief, I woke up to a sunny morning. The temperature was nice and warm, so today, I wore a short sleeved shirt. I walked out of my apartment for class at approximatly 12:22pm, thinking about taking my umbrella, but after careful inspection of the sky, realized all the clouds were white and happy looking, so I left it hanging on the door nob. I walked to class, arriving early and sat down. I went through the hour, then walked down the stairs and through the hallway of the same building, going into my next class. I was excited for it to end because it would then be the weekend. As the big hand on the clock passed 12, and the little one hit 3, I was outta there. I grabbed my stuff and booked it (no pun intended)to the great outdoors that was calling me.
As I turned the corner, half smiling and sending my favorite song on my ipod to my ears, I stopped, more suddenly than I ever have before. Staring into the building at me was a cold, dark, rainy, gloomy sad looking day. The sun was gone, and huge, and I mean HUGE, fast, mean raindrops were diving out of the sky. I didnt have a jacket, a hood, and umbrella, or a book I was willing to sacrafice to complete water damage...The girl standing by the door said to me: "The look on your face was priceless, the best one in the last 15 minutes". I guess I accomplished something. I had a mile, uphill, to walk until I would arrive home. I smiled at the girl, turned up my music and started to walk. I was cold, soaked within the first 48 seconds of being outside and to make things better....everyone else on campus seemed to know this was coming, making me the only person around stranded by their own stupidity and trust in Rexburg Weather.
Getting home, my hair was soaked, my clothes were soaked, and to make it better, the second I walked in the door, my roomate was already laughing at me. She had heard my slow, painful steps up the stairs. I undressed, at some supper and went to bed. I slept for 2 hours only to wake up still cold and with no text messages. Cold, alone, stranded, all in Rexburg. Probably the worst combination possible. Good thing for hot showers and nutella. They always make me feel better.
I woke up this morning with a lot of hope. Contrary to by belief, I woke up to a sunny morning. The temperature was nice and warm, so today, I wore a short sleeved shirt. I walked out of my apartment for class at approximatly 12:22pm, thinking about taking my umbrella, but after careful inspection of the sky, realized all the clouds were white and happy looking, so I left it hanging on the door nob. I walked to class, arriving early and sat down. I went through the hour, then walked down the stairs and through the hallway of the same building, going into my next class. I was excited for it to end because it would then be the weekend. As the big hand on the clock passed 12, and the little one hit 3, I was outta there. I grabbed my stuff and booked it (no pun intended)to the great outdoors that was calling me.
As I turned the corner, half smiling and sending my favorite song on my ipod to my ears, I stopped, more suddenly than I ever have before. Staring into the building at me was a cold, dark, rainy, gloomy sad looking day. The sun was gone, and huge, and I mean HUGE, fast, mean raindrops were diving out of the sky. I didnt have a jacket, a hood, and umbrella, or a book I was willing to sacrafice to complete water damage...The girl standing by the door said to me: "The look on your face was priceless, the best one in the last 15 minutes". I guess I accomplished something. I had a mile, uphill, to walk until I would arrive home. I smiled at the girl, turned up my music and started to walk. I was cold, soaked within the first 48 seconds of being outside and to make things better....everyone else on campus seemed to know this was coming, making me the only person around stranded by their own stupidity and trust in Rexburg Weather.
Getting home, my hair was soaked, my clothes were soaked, and to make it better, the second I walked in the door, my roomate was already laughing at me. She had heard my slow, painful steps up the stairs. I undressed, at some supper and went to bed. I slept for 2 hours only to wake up still cold and with no text messages. Cold, alone, stranded, all in Rexburg. Probably the worst combination possible. Good thing for hot showers and nutella. They always make me feel better.
Thursday, May 22, 2008
So I really have not written in quite a long time, but I figure if I can say my prayers every night, read my scriptures every morning and go on facebook in excess of three times throughout the day, then I can surely keep up a simple blog. So here is to dedication.
Let's see. Currently, I am sitting on one of the two beds in my bedroom in my apartment. I am living in Rexburg, Idaho in a little bitty apartment with my friend Kayla. Originally this place was meant for four girls, but there was no way I would share my bedroom again...not after last semester. So, it's nice to have my own space.
On June 2nd, I am donating blood at 12:45pm. I hope they will take my blood. I have been in the country for 6 months...I guess if the country needs my blood enough, they wont care who I am; but I am legal, I swear!
Also, I have become quite the chef! I made salmon cakes the other day. They were amazing. And then today for lunch I made tomato toppers. That What I am calling them.
Basically, you take a "Town House Garlic and Herb Topper" (cracker), put a piece of fresh spinach on top of that, and then this concoction I made on top of that. Now this mix thing is made up of diced tomatoes, dried basil leaves, feta cheese and low fat sour cream. Mix that in a bowl and put it on top of the cracker.. then eat it all together. YUM. That and a glass of ice cold water really hit the spot! I sure hope my mom is reading this!
There is nothing else going on really. But if you haven't yet, you need to, yes NEED to read Miracle of Forgiveness by Spencer W. Kimball. Amazing book. Really puts things into perspective.
Let's see. Currently, I am sitting on one of the two beds in my bedroom in my apartment. I am living in Rexburg, Idaho in a little bitty apartment with my friend Kayla. Originally this place was meant for four girls, but there was no way I would share my bedroom again...not after last semester. So, it's nice to have my own space.
On June 2nd, I am donating blood at 12:45pm. I hope they will take my blood. I have been in the country for 6 months...I guess if the country needs my blood enough, they wont care who I am; but I am legal, I swear!
Also, I have become quite the chef! I made salmon cakes the other day. They were amazing. And then today for lunch I made tomato toppers. That What I am calling them.
Basically, you take a "Town House Garlic and Herb Topper" (cracker), put a piece of fresh spinach on top of that, and then this concoction I made on top of that. Now this mix thing is made up of diced tomatoes, dried basil leaves, feta cheese and low fat sour cream. Mix that in a bowl and put it on top of the cracker.. then eat it all together. YUM. That and a glass of ice cold water really hit the spot! I sure hope my mom is reading this!
There is nothing else going on really. But if you haven't yet, you need to, yes NEED to read Miracle of Forgiveness by Spencer W. Kimball. Amazing book. Really puts things into perspective.
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