So, this officially commences my first week back at school. Lots has happened.
This week has been a big eye-opener for me. I have realized a little more of my potential. I have realized things that I wish I had realized in high-school. I realized things that I wish I had known my first year of university three years ago, that probably would have enabled me to be graduating this July. But, all in all, I am glad I know what I know now, and have the opportunities to demonstrate them.
First off, I now know how to study. When I look back at my high school career and the semesters I have taken in University up until this point I can see very clearly that I just didn't know how to study. And because I didn't know, I would get frustrated with myself when it actually needed to happen. That is probably why I was a C+ average student in high school. It makes sense. So, this semester, I have vowed to study my class content every day, even if I am not being quizzed the next day. I have generated a system for myself that has worked very, very well for me this past week. I read the course material for the next class and take notes. I attend class, and am able to listen to the lecture rather than being focused on taking notes, so that I can add to my notes if I need to, and if not, I can just get a second dose of the material I already read. Then I go home and re-write my notes out nice and neatly so that I can organize my thoughts and train my brain to know the material in an organized fashion. Then, the next day, I read over my notes. It is a lot of busy work, and seems a little tedious, but it works.
Secondly, I am very relieved to know what I want out of life, and how to get there. When I came here before, I was so unsure. I knew what I wanted the end of my life to look like, because there are examples of that everywhere. I knew I wanted a home and a family, financial security with little debt, a stronger testimony of the gospel and a plan for my children's future. But being 18, it's hard to know how to get to that place in, I just went day to day. It's hard to live day to day for a goal you aren't prepared to achieve. Sounds backwards, but it makes sense in my head. So now, here I am 3 and a half years later. Everything that has happened until now has prepared me to be here, to make the incredibly big decisions in my life and prepare for my future. I almost cant believe it myself, but I know exactly who I am and am fully confident in saying that.
Today, I taught Gospel Doctrine in my brand new singles ward. Now, last week, the Bishop asked for volunteers to teach. For some reason, I stuck my hand up. I think it was partly because for the last few months, I have been praying for the courage to be ready for the calling of Gospel Doctrine teacher... which means I have been trying to get a better understanding of the Bible... seeing as how this year we are learning from the New Testament. So today, there I was ready to teach. It's a strange feeling for me right before I teach. It started after receiving my calling as 1st Counselor in the Relief Society in my home singles ward. Now, when I get up to teach... I know that I am inadequate to teach the gospel alone... I know I need the spirit to take the words from my mouth and translate them for each individual listening and participating in my lessons. Today was effortless. I felt the hand of the Lord in my lesson, and at times I felt as though my words were not my own. I was myself in front of the class. After the lesson, I had people coming up to me telling me how much they enjoyed my lesson. One girl said this: "Hey, 2 questions. One, have you served a mission?" Me: " No". "Well, you should... because you are amazing at teaching the Gospel. And two, what's your major?" Me: "Medical Assisting". "Well, it should be education.. I'm just saying." HOW FUNNY IS THAT? I am very flattered....but like other things I enjoy doing, I want to do just that.. I want to enjoy them and not turn them into a job. But who knows where the wind will take me....
Anyway... I know that was a rant, but I just had to get it out.
Today was a fantastic Easter. I know my Saviour lives. His gospel IS restored. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints is the most complete resource for the gospel and teachings that Christ gave to us when he was on the earth. His gospel continues to grow through modern revelation given to worthy men chosen by God; His prophets. I have indescribable amounts of joy and love when I go to church because I feel the spirit testify to me that where I am is where my Heavenly Father wants me to be... because here, I am able to become more like Him. I have a strong testimony and knowledge of this Gospel.. it is true, pure and simple. Being happy is not hard when you live your life in accordance with the Gospel. Being happy is hard when you have made choices that only satisfy carnal desires and have lead you farther away from where you really want to be in life. That is my testimony.
Sunday, April 24, 2011
Saturday, April 16, 2011
Baby, I'm back.
Here I am, sitting in my apartment at BYU-I....finally! It's strange to be back, but only when I really think about the last three years, and what it's taken me to get back here. But, when I am just here, I feel home. This is where I need to be, this is where I want to be, this is where I'm going to be.
It's perfect.
A part of me is sad to leave behind my my family, my (few) close friends, my knowledge of where everything is that I might ever need, my calling...just the familiar bits of life. It's so easy to become comfortable in a way of life, that even if you know you'd never have chosen it for yourself given the choice, you still become a little anxious when you leave it.
Today I walked the campus. I walked the places I had been and made memories. I also walked the new additions to the school, becoming totally turned around and at times just wandering somewhat aimlessly trying not to look like a freshman; i'm not a freshman.
My apartment is nice. I am on the top floor, in a corner unit. I have a nice big window in my room that lets that golden evening sun in. My mattress is about the same consistency as an over toasted piece of bread (or waffle)...there is just no give in the springs. It's a little ghetto, but that's just because I am comparing it to my luxurious pocket-coil pillow-top mattress at home. This will have to do.
My roommates seem pretty alright so far. Kayla, is obviously great. We picked up right where we left off in 2008. It was so good to see her. Jahnin (Jaw-Neen), is really nice. She is 20 and from Ogden. Her dad is Canadian and her mom is Mexican. She is just nice. Kristen is 27 and originally from NY state. She is a convert of 3 years and has some cool tattoos on her forearms. It's cool. She was in a bit of a tizzy when she got in from all the driving... but she seems like she'll add some "real-world" into the experience, which will be nice. I am just glad that I am not living with a valley-girl. You know, wearing the boot-cut embellished jeans over heels, a white long-sleeved shirt with a colored camisole over top... oh, and don't forget the POOF hair.. that's a must. And maybe throw in some big earrings, a belt buckle, some bubblegum and a home-made quilted paisley backpack-purse. Yeah, I'm glad I'm not with one of "those".
Jahnin has been in this ward before and she said that the guys housing that's with us is pretty much all older guys... AKA, RM's. PERFECT! No weirdo pre-mi's. That should be good. I have a feeling that I'll be called into the Relief Society. So, I guess we'll see what happens!
I'm home, in Rexburg. Life is great.
It's perfect.
A part of me is sad to leave behind my my family, my (few) close friends, my knowledge of where everything is that I might ever need, my calling...just the familiar bits of life. It's so easy to become comfortable in a way of life, that even if you know you'd never have chosen it for yourself given the choice, you still become a little anxious when you leave it.
Today I walked the campus. I walked the places I had been and made memories. I also walked the new additions to the school, becoming totally turned around and at times just wandering somewhat aimlessly trying not to look like a freshman; i'm not a freshman.
My apartment is nice. I am on the top floor, in a corner unit. I have a nice big window in my room that lets that golden evening sun in. My mattress is about the same consistency as an over toasted piece of bread (or waffle)...there is just no give in the springs. It's a little ghetto, but that's just because I am comparing it to my luxurious pocket-coil pillow-top mattress at home. This will have to do.
My roommates seem pretty alright so far. Kayla, is obviously great. We picked up right where we left off in 2008. It was so good to see her. Jahnin (Jaw-Neen), is really nice. She is 20 and from Ogden. Her dad is Canadian and her mom is Mexican. She is just nice. Kristen is 27 and originally from NY state. She is a convert of 3 years and has some cool tattoos on her forearms. It's cool. She was in a bit of a tizzy when she got in from all the driving... but she seems like she'll add some "real-world" into the experience, which will be nice. I am just glad that I am not living with a valley-girl. You know, wearing the boot-cut embellished jeans over heels, a white long-sleeved shirt with a colored camisole over top... oh, and don't forget the POOF hair.. that's a must. And maybe throw in some big earrings, a belt buckle, some bubblegum and a home-made quilted paisley backpack-purse. Yeah, I'm glad I'm not with one of "those".
Jahnin has been in this ward before and she said that the guys housing that's with us is pretty much all older guys... AKA, RM's. PERFECT! No weirdo pre-mi's. That should be good. I have a feeling that I'll be called into the Relief Society. So, I guess we'll see what happens!
I'm home, in Rexburg. Life is great.
Sunday, April 10, 2011
My new hobby.
So, i've been into Archery for about a month. It's a new hobby, for sure. I've never been real good at sports. I can run and stuff, but as a kid, I was always reallllllly scared to mess up my back because it ALWAYS hurt. So, now that my back is 90% better, I feel better about sports. And when I started up archery, which just so happened to be on a double date.... I fell in love.
So, my two friends Jeff and Jared and I decided that after our first time shooting that we would continue to do so. We found out about the S.A.B.A. shoot on April 9th, so we decided to sign up. $15 gets you lunch and a day of archery at the river bottom with 3D animal targets. So... here are the pics from the big day. ENJOY!
^Jared shooting a 30lbs bow.
^The line of SUV/Trucks..... and then Jeff's civic, "Cedric". We were one of 2 cars... everyone else had trucks. Haha. Go figure.
^Pretty view. Bear by the river; arrowed.
^ Quiver-less... so we had to be inventive and hold the arrows in our pockets. We'll know for next year.
^ Jeff and then docile horned goat...or whatever it is...
^ Jared fitting in. He looked very archer-esque.
^Yeah, I was sitting on my kill.
^ The view from camp.
^ Me, sneaking a shot with this kids quiver. It was ALL FUR!
^ Jared, Jeff and I at target practice shooting our 30lbs recurves.
^ A cow vertebrae!
^Some kid, Myself, Jared and Jeff.
^Jeff's impeccable form shooting a cupid bow for 5 year olds. Haha.
^ I wasn't holding those arrows there.. I'm just that good.
^Jared's turn on the cupid bow. Precious.
^So, that's a king cobra..... we're pretty good friends... in spite of all the holes I put in him.
^ Who knew these roamed the Alberta coulees!
^ That's a warthog.
^ Jared.
^ Me, and the cupid bow.
^ Jared loves to take these kind of pictures. Just loves it.
^ Jared and I at the very beginning of the shoot. We just got our gear.. and boy, were we excited!
^ There are two small piggies in the bush.
^ Jared, at target practice. Note the arrows in the pocket.
^ Cavewoman. Also, I put the bone on my thigh, and the kid that was shooting with us goes. "THAT'S YOUR BONE! IT FITS!" Just because it was the same length. haha.
^ the "Epic Shot" According to Jared. That's Jeff and I walking back to camp after 28 rounds.
^ Jared and I before the shoot.
^ Jared and I after the shoot, pre-chilly cheese dogs. Pretty cute.
^ Jared was clearly very impressed with his shots.
^ Jeff and the neck shot.
^ Me, shooting a 40lbs long bow! Cool!
So, my two friends Jeff and Jared and I decided that after our first time shooting that we would continue to do so. We found out about the S.A.B.A. shoot on April 9th, so we decided to sign up. $15 gets you lunch and a day of archery at the river bottom with 3D animal targets. So... here are the pics from the big day. ENJOY!

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