Alright, so I am going to start this blog off by slipping in a little kudos to myself...
believe it or not, I am a great babysitter.
Sadly, today has not been my one of my shining moments.
The boys are currently downstairs playing Wii. We just finished supper... which consisted of pasta, cut up chicken burger and carrots. The boys were fine; no food fights or spilled milk. But then, I had to tell them that I was moving in one months time. Yeah. They were a little heartbroken. Aidan said, " Miss Kelly, I am going to Minnesota for a week...and then I'll be back, just like you". And I had to tell him that I would be gone for 4 months. Yeah.
While they finished their milk, Liam wanted to tell jokes. The game was that we each had to tell a joke, and the 'audience' couldn't laugh. Whoever laughed, lost the game. I went first:
Knock, knock.
Who's there?
Banana who?
Knock, knock.
Who's there?
Banana who?
Knock, knock.
Who's there?
Orange who?
Orange you glad I didn't say "banana"?
Nobody laughed.
Next was Aidan (who is 4):
Knock, knock.
Who's there?
Orange who?
Orange you glad I didn't say "knock, knock" again?
Ouch. Slap.
But I couldn't help but laugh right out loud.
After supper, they had 1 cookie and ran down the stairs to play. Moments later, Liam runs up the stairs and says, " Miss Kelly, April (the dog) ate all the fish food!" Yup, Mike (dad) handed me the bottle of food before they left and said, "make sure you feed each fish a few of these flakes. We just got them". So there Liam was, holding the slobbery, and very empty container. I did however managed to scrape some damp flakes from the bottom with a butter knife and slip them in the fish bowl.
Yes, they call me Miss Kelly.
Yes, I am usually a cool babysitter.
Yes, my jokes are funny.... you just have to be in a good mood, and not 4.