It is disgusting how nice these houses are. I want to die when I come online and see what is behind the doors I knocked that day.
Just watch this virtual tour and tell me you don't hate your house.
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Sunday, July 18, 2010
October 19, 1989
New Glasgow, Nova Scotia
Current Location
Fairfax, Virginina
Eye Color
Hair Color
Light to Medium Brown
Right Handed or Left Handed
Right handed for most things....but my left hand helps out a lot.
Your Heritage
Irish mostly...
The Shoes You Wore Today
Cork wedges.
Your Weakness
Romantic Comedies.
Your Fears
Heights, dropping from stuff (I don't like to feel my organs moving around inside me), getting hurt, getting a terminal illness, Being deceived and not even knowing it, not being successful, not being myself and not accomplishing everything I want to in life.
Your Perfect Pizza
Cheese and a day old.
Goal You Would Like To Achieve This Year
Go back to school, be debt free, have my own car, become a runner, be more diligent about taking off my makeup before bed, buy less and invest more, squeeze the toothpaste from the bottom and not the middle, grow my hair out nice and long.
Your Most Overused Phrase On Instant Messenger
Thoughts First Waking Up
"There is no way anyone can make me get out of this bed."
Your Best Physical Feature
I used to think it was my eyes...but I think it's really just the lashes.... and by lashes I mean mascara. Thanks Mabelline.
Your Bedtime
As soon as I get tired.
Your Most Missed Memory
Grandma Hatch.
Pepsi or Coke
Who cares? They taste exactly the same when you burp.
MacDonalds or Burger King
Neither. Because either way I have to taste the same meal twice. Once on the way down, another on the way back up.
Single or Group Dates
Single. Groups are weird....unless you are all exclusive with another group member already. Because let's face it... the grass is always greener when some other goat is chomping on it.
Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea
1) I'm Mormon. 2) They are both nasty tasting.
Chocolate or Vanilla
Chocolate... because when you eat chocolate ice cream you are already eating vanilla that's been enhanced with cocoa.
Cappuccino or Coffee
Make it a decaf frap and I'm sold.
Do you Smoke
No. But I am pretty smokin'.
Do you Swear
Hell no.
Do you Sing
Like a bird.
Do you Shower Daily
I am always clean and always smell nice. Besides, why do you need to know my personal hygiene regime anyway?
Have you Been in Love
With the idea.
Do you want to go to College
You're mom wants to go to college. I want to go to University.
Do you want to get Married
Of course!
Do you belive in yourself
Well, I know I can't fly or do math. But other than that.... yeah.
Do you get Motion Sickness
No, I usually drive myself.
Do you think you are Attractive
Depends. I suppose I attract certain things yes....
Are you a Health Freak
By healthy you mean a balances diet? Equal parts vegetables and choclate. Then yeah, of course.
Do you get along with your Parents
Do you like Thunderstorms
As long as I am not stranded in one.
Do you play an Instrument
The Toothbrush.
In the past month have you Drank Alcohol
No way!
In the past month have you Smoked
In the past month have you been on Drugs
In the past month have you gone on a Date
In the past month have you gone to a Mall
Oh yeah.... yeah I have.
In the past month have you eaten a box of Oreos
Oreo's are for the suckers that think dipping cookies in milk is a good thing.
In the past month have you eaten Sushi
Sure have.
In the past month have you been on Stage
I am on the front steps of about 200 different people a day... I would say that counts.
In the past month have you been Dumped
In the past month have you gone Skinny Dipping
In the past month have you Stolen Anything
Ever been Drunk
Ever been called a Tease
Yeah. Smiles are not allowed to be exchanged between the opposite genders because apparently there are hidden, unspoken feelings behind them.
Ever been Beaten up
Yeah. Thanks Chet Bartlett. Kindergarten was a great year.
Ever Shoplifted
How do you want to Die
No pain.
What do you want to be when you Grow Up
At this point, that question is getting a tad over used.
What country would you most like to Visit
Anywhere with a yacht and a young shirtless man wearing khaki pants.
Number of Drugs I have taken
That's a lot of drugs to count up for the past 21 years....
Number of CDs I own
Only a few. Downloading is faster, cheaper and a lot more exciting.
Number of Piercings
Two. One in each ear.
Number of Tattoos
Number of things in my Past I Regret
There are a few here and there..
In a Boy/Girl...
Favorite Eye Color
Brown or green. I like Dark...but not too dark...
Favorite Hair Color
Brown. Medium Brown.
Short or Long Hair
Whatever looks good.... within reason.
Taller than me while I am wearing my tallest heels.
Just bigger than me. I want a man!
Best Clothing Style
Whatever looks good. But it has to be tasteful and fit well.
Friday, July 16, 2010
Coolest thing I have ever seen....
You thought folding laundry was a drag all these years.... it still is, but not when it comes to T-shirts. CHECK THIS OUT! It will blow your laundry-folding mind!!!!
(and yeah... i'm on a blogging rollllll!)
(and yeah... i'm on a blogging rollllll!)
Thursday, July 15, 2010
Already, there are results to report.
My hair is no longer fried. It is so strange. I never thought that anything short of a haircut would work. I can really, truly keep my long hair though! Mom, remember those weird fried bits you would get in your hair... well I got them too. I think it must have something to do with the hair coloring solution mixed with the heat of a flat iron. Regardless... I can honestly say that after a full night with Loreal EverStrong Overnight Repair, my hair is back to it's pre-Virginia state. A full week of this and I should have softer hair than a baby!
How to use:
-Brush your hair
-Distribute product through dry hair (I only did the ends and about halfway up my head)
-Put it up
-Wake up and wash out (I ate breakfast and waited a while until I did though)
-Style as usual
My hair is no longer fried. It is so strange. I never thought that anything short of a haircut would work. I can really, truly keep my long hair though! Mom, remember those weird fried bits you would get in your hair... well I got them too. I think it must have something to do with the hair coloring solution mixed with the heat of a flat iron. Regardless... I can honestly say that after a full night with Loreal EverStrong Overnight Repair, my hair is back to it's pre-Virginia state. A full week of this and I should have softer hair than a baby!
How to use:
-Brush your hair
-Distribute product through dry hair (I only did the ends and about halfway up my head)
-Put it up
-Wake up and wash out (I ate breakfast and waited a while until I did though)
-Style as usual
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
I Got Played.
So, I always thought that because of the humidity, my hair would be healthy and luscious and strong and hydrated.
Dead wrong.
Sure, my hair feels a little thicker... but it still hangs just as flat against my head if I don't do anything to it. It has also turned brittle and dry. Now this may be because of my recent "blondes have more fun" escapade. But, I have always had very healthy hair up until now. I have tried leaving my conditioner in as long as I can while in the shower, making it my first priority so I can let it soak while I suds up. I have also tried letting it air dry, hiding it from the sun, and even leaving in my conditioner in wet hair over night. That last little trick worked a tad....just a tad though. I caved and bought Loreal EverStrong Overnight Repair. SO Hopefully this works, or i'll have to cut my hair short again.
Something else I am trying is this Clearisil Face wash... because, surprise acne phase decided to pop up years after I went through puberty. One of the upsides of High School was not having acne... but if I could have forseen that I would be college aged and getting it, then I would have gladly accepted it back then. So, yet another hopeful fix....
Oh the joys of sweating allllllll day long in intense humidity and heat. I never thought I would say it... but this weather is just about equal, if not worse, than the strong winds of Southern Alberta.
I'll be trying both for a week and then recording my findings next thursday sometime..... if I promises.
Dead wrong.
Sure, my hair feels a little thicker... but it still hangs just as flat against my head if I don't do anything to it. It has also turned brittle and dry. Now this may be because of my recent "blondes have more fun" escapade. But, I have always had very healthy hair up until now. I have tried leaving my conditioner in as long as I can while in the shower, making it my first priority so I can let it soak while I suds up. I have also tried letting it air dry, hiding it from the sun, and even leaving in my conditioner in wet hair over night. That last little trick worked a tad....just a tad though. I caved and bought Loreal EverStrong Overnight Repair. SO Hopefully this works, or i'll have to cut my hair short again.

Something else I am trying is this Clearisil Face wash... because, surprise acne phase decided to pop up years after I went through puberty. One of the upsides of High School was not having acne... but if I could have forseen that I would be college aged and getting it, then I would have gladly accepted it back then. So, yet another hopeful fix....

I'll be trying both for a week and then recording my findings next thursday sometime..... if I promises.
Thursday, July 8, 2010
Rollercoaster riding, door knocking, parfait eatin' saleswomen...
Wednesday July 7th, 2010 was the most uncanny days of this summer so far.
To start it all off, our office went to Kings Dominion for the day. Roller coasters and fast rides, water slides and wave pools, pizza and ice cream. What more could I ask for on a hot day in July?
So here I am, just shy of 21 years old and I have never been on a roller coaster. Actually, that is not entirely true. I have been on a small one when I was about six years old. I remember everything about it. It was just a loop, a small loop, no bigger than the size of the perimeter of an average sized house. The car was a long green dragon. The ride probably went only about 15 kilometers an hour... but somehow, being absolutely terrified, I recall it he feeling of impending doom the second the bar locked around my waist. Next thing I knew I was crying and yelling for them to stop. All the while I could see my dads face at the entrance just laughing. Well, the operator stopped the ride because I was so frantic. Ever since then, I vowed never to step foot in one again. Silly me.... I was easily coaxed by my co-workers.
So there I am, strapping myself into the seat of The Dominator. Go ahead, look it up.... I was flying at a speed of 104 km/hour on this thing. I put my head down, tightened every muscle of my body, gripped onto the handle bars, closed my eyes and screamed the entire ride. I have never felt like I was about to die more in my life.
After that, I sat out for the scary rides. The crew went on The Intimidator.....try 152 km/hour. Yeah....there are even warnings of blacking out for several seconds during the ride due to sheer fact that you travel almost straight down for a full 305 feet.
After a fun but long day at Kings Dominion and drinking one, and only one 250ml bottle of Dasani Water at a whopping $3.98, I was exhausted, but still had to knock until 9pm.
Julia and I were given a street to knock just for that night because we had run out of our usual area. Luckily, I made a sale with a huge contract value! After we had knocked that street, we decided that we had better get some water so we went walking up towards a gas station. While hiking up the intersection, we crossed over to median to get past half of the traffic. As we were walking, we looked down in the grass and there was a 1$ bill. We felt like THE luckiest girls in the world. A few steps later, another and then another after that. We were scheming on what we could purchase with our $3 when we came across an envelope. We almost walked past, but thinking there would be more money inside, we picked it up. Inside there was another $1 bill. We had found the source. Also inside was someone's paycheck. $500 was the amount.
We decided to hold on to it until we could sit down in a building with AC and call him. After a few steps, we decided to split up. She would take one shoulder and I would take the other to search for more money that may have blown into the ditch. Over the next 7 minutes or so, we would each find a few more, jumping and screaming to the other across 4 lanes of traffic that we had added to our dollar bill collection. When we reached the McDonalds, we sat down and counted out 9 dollar bills. We found an address on the paycheck for a Pizza Hut in the same city, called 411, called the number and ended up talking to Timothy J O'Leary, the guy who had lost his check. 10 minutes later he was standing at our table, thanking us and telling about how he had been stressing beyond imagination for the last two days.
Needless to say, Julia and I are good samaritans....and we bought ourselves french fries and parfaits with the 9$ Timothy J O'Leary gave us as a reward.
All in a day of a door to door salesman's life.
To start it all off, our office went to Kings Dominion for the day. Roller coasters and fast rides, water slides and wave pools, pizza and ice cream. What more could I ask for on a hot day in July?
So here I am, just shy of 21 years old and I have never been on a roller coaster. Actually, that is not entirely true. I have been on a small one when I was about six years old. I remember everything about it. It was just a loop, a small loop, no bigger than the size of the perimeter of an average sized house. The car was a long green dragon. The ride probably went only about 15 kilometers an hour... but somehow, being absolutely terrified, I recall it he feeling of impending doom the second the bar locked around my waist. Next thing I knew I was crying and yelling for them to stop. All the while I could see my dads face at the entrance just laughing. Well, the operator stopped the ride because I was so frantic. Ever since then, I vowed never to step foot in one again. Silly me.... I was easily coaxed by my co-workers.
So there I am, strapping myself into the seat of The Dominator. Go ahead, look it up.... I was flying at a speed of 104 km/hour on this thing. I put my head down, tightened every muscle of my body, gripped onto the handle bars, closed my eyes and screamed the entire ride. I have never felt like I was about to die more in my life.
After that, I sat out for the scary rides. The crew went on The Intimidator.....try 152 km/hour. Yeah....there are even warnings of blacking out for several seconds during the ride due to sheer fact that you travel almost straight down for a full 305 feet.
After a fun but long day at Kings Dominion and drinking one, and only one 250ml bottle of Dasani Water at a whopping $3.98, I was exhausted, but still had to knock until 9pm.
Julia and I were given a street to knock just for that night because we had run out of our usual area. Luckily, I made a sale with a huge contract value! After we had knocked that street, we decided that we had better get some water so we went walking up towards a gas station. While hiking up the intersection, we crossed over to median to get past half of the traffic. As we were walking, we looked down in the grass and there was a 1$ bill. We felt like THE luckiest girls in the world. A few steps later, another and then another after that. We were scheming on what we could purchase with our $3 when we came across an envelope. We almost walked past, but thinking there would be more money inside, we picked it up. Inside there was another $1 bill. We had found the source. Also inside was someone's paycheck. $500 was the amount.
We decided to hold on to it until we could sit down in a building with AC and call him. After a few steps, we decided to split up. She would take one shoulder and I would take the other to search for more money that may have blown into the ditch. Over the next 7 minutes or so, we would each find a few more, jumping and screaming to the other across 4 lanes of traffic that we had added to our dollar bill collection. When we reached the McDonalds, we sat down and counted out 9 dollar bills. We found an address on the paycheck for a Pizza Hut in the same city, called 411, called the number and ended up talking to Timothy J O'Leary, the guy who had lost his check. 10 minutes later he was standing at our table, thanking us and telling about how he had been stressing beyond imagination for the last two days.
Needless to say, Julia and I are good samaritans....and we bought ourselves french fries and parfaits with the 9$ Timothy J O'Leary gave us as a reward.
All in a day of a door to door salesman's life.
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