Ben and Jerry are quickly approaching the 'more than just friends' stage... I'm tellin' ya... if there is one way to win my heart, it is this ice cream. There are literally hunks of brownie in there. Is there anything better? I think not.

These hot little numbers are a just a friendly pair of platform pumps. Although I don't own this exact pair... I will venture to say that they would make me feel equally as fiery (and tall) as the next pair of intensely desirable shoes such as these. Oh...come on....you get used to the burning on the balls of your feet and baby toes after the first 45 minutes or so... and then from then on out it's a whole lot of 'watch out world, I'm walkin' across the street'. Yeah. You know what I mean.

Above: Say 'hello' to my little friend Pomegranate, Green Tea Shampoo. Believe me... you may think she's not your type at first...but let me tell you a little something about this gal. She may come in a small, round packaging (lets face it, most of us do...) and she may seem a little vexatious when it comes to her choice of ingredients. I too had my doubts when I decided to bring her into my home.... but holy crap. This broad ain't just a sudsy mess...this shampoo is unlike anything you've ever tried. Not to mention she's pretty cheap too! Just try it, trust me (and I'm not just saying that).
Below: I have never felt so west coast in my whole life. Mom, I feel like my inner beach is coming out. I have never been a coconut fan, not like you. I will say this though.... I BELIEVE!!! Coconut has become my new best friend. It comes with me in many different forms. Sunblock, lipgloss, body spray, soda (oh yeah, I bought coconut soda...not great, but worth the 2.98) and now conditioner. I am a convert... and I ain't never lookin' back.

And last but not least....

The Beach. Virginia Beach. After a well worked, excruciating week of walking in the sun day after day knocking on doors to then hear the only knocking sound to be that of my binder against my face... I cannot tell you what a relief it was to relax at the beach; and an east coast beach no less. Who knew? I always thought that the east coast would just be a bunch of ivy league, sweater wearing, tennis playing, bourbon sipping, leather chair relaxing, fox hunting, mercedes driving stiffs... turns out I was mostly right... oh and they also love the beach like they were born on a freakin' surf board listening to the beach boys wearing board shorts. Surprise to me!